<p>The</a> Harvard Crimson :: Magazine :: The Cult of Yale</p>
<p>Proof. Read the whole thing.</p>
<p>The</a> Harvard Crimson :: Magazine :: The Cult of Yale</p>
<p>Proof. Read the whole thing.</p>
<p>“At Harvard, complaining is so essential to the culture, it becomes a badge of honor that students use to one-up their neighbors.”</p>
<p>Eww, that just sums it up right there…</p>
Harvard is basically “survive, and you’ll get the name at the top of your resume.”
Yale is “love your time here and thrive, and then still get the name at the top of your resume”</p>
<p>I’ve read this article so many times and my love for it never depreciates. Harvard is an objectively terrible place to live for 4 years, everyone hates it, everyone hates each other, everyone is smarter than everyone else, nobody has fun. Seriously, the parties at Harvard consist of box wine in paper cups and ugly girls. And those are the ragers.</p>
<p>(to the thread title)</p>
<p>DUH. :D</p>
<p>that would be why I applied to Y but not H.</p>
<p>I concur. Wow I am really hoping that I get into Yale.</p>
<p>Why all the bitterness toward Harvard? Some people just have too high expectations for the school and end up miserable. There are plenty of happy people.</p>
<p>Guys, we all know this. Why make another thread about it?</p>
<p>Well I feel that was a well written piece. I wonder why so many yalies are happy though. I mean Yale and Harvard have a lot of similarities in terms of prestige and probably caliber of students admitted, and Harvard has a better location so why is Yale’s students body so much happier than Harvard’s?</p>
<p>oh ya! and Hermoine is going to Yale! LOL</p>
<p>^ Stop right there. If you start another fit of obsession about she-who-should-not-be-named, I will personally deal with you.</p>
<p>Harvard doesn’t have a better location than Yale… give me New Haven, with great cheap food and culture, over the posh college-towny affectations of Cambridge.</p>
<p>lol I like how Yalies like to believe that most people at Harvard are unhappy. Plus way to link an article that’s OVER 5 YEARS OLD.</p>
<p>^ Dude, I know the article’s old, but did you not pick up on the fact that it was written BY THE CRIMSON!!! They’re admitting it themselves…</p>
<p>I don’t like to believe anything. I know 5 or so kids who went to Harvard and none of them are happy. I know someone who decided to go to Harvard over Yale PRECISELY because he knew he would be less happy (and thus could “do his best work.” He’s a little pretentious).</p>
<p>I know it’s from the Crimson, but it’s too old to be relevant, yet somebody makes a new thread about it every two weeks on the Yale board. I’ve known people at Harvard and none of them wish they were anywhere else.</p>
<p>I would have to agree^, a friend of mine went to harvard 2 years ago and loves it. He says the professors are amazing and the atmosphere, conducive. According to him, many students help each other out with understanding lecture notes, tests, etc. Moreover he says that the selfish culture does exist but not to a great extent, maybe 20-30% and that’s mainly because of the unattainable expectations and or snobbish attitude that goes with some rich kids.</p>
<p>…and it’d be funny of some of you ended up getting rejected from Yale and end up going to Harvard, LOL.</p>
<p>“Hi I’m a bulldog”</p>
<p>“Hi I’m a crimson”</p>
<p>'nuff said</p>
<p>^^Well then we would just bring the yale happiness to Harvard. I mean really like my friend wisely spoke ppl can be happy ANYWHERE if they choose to be, I will readily admit that I would prefer to go to yale over harvard, but if I get rejected from Yale and accepted to Harvard do you think i would be crying? Nope. I would just kill the old Yale love until the crismon blood started flowing. And I would wager that most others would do the same.</p>
<p>Could you imagine the conversation at school the next day.
Random Friend: “So which colleges did you get into?”
You: “Well I got rejected from Yale but so I am pretty sad.”
Random Friend: “But did you get in anywhere?”
You: “Yeah, but just harvard.”
Random Friend: [Rolls eyes and walks away.]</p>