<p>Oohhh the struggles of a cross admit…
I had to make the same decision a month ago. Here is a letter I wrote to a guy who went through it with me:</p>
<p>Why You Should Pick Yale:</p>
<p>I am a fellow cross admit who is going to choose Yale. I realized that I LIKED Princeton at Preview but LOVED Yale at Bulldog Days. What it came down to for me was the culture. I felt that Princeton lacked the community residential college system (newer at Pton) and truly vibrant extracurricular atmosphere that drew me into Yale. In the end, I think you should pick the type of lifestyle that you envision for your college experience! Talking to current students at both campuses really opened my eyes as well. I feel that Yallies were more inclined to pursue passions outside of their career paths (ex. Political union, a cappella, etc.) while most Princeton students were more driven towards finding success in their area of study (not to say that there isn’t an academic feel to Yale as well, i just feel that Yale had more involved students overall). Although students were friendly at both campuses, I feel that there were more students actually talking together and in groups at Yale. Princeton felt slightly more individualistic (more people eating and studying by themselves) even though there was a sense of community at both. Princeton also felt very low-key compared to Yale where I felt more passion and energy coming from the students.</p>
<p>Here is a quote i read from another admitted student on the Yale page comparing the two schools:</p>
<p>“I was just reading “This Side of Paradise,” and I think Fitzgerald was very familiar with the atmospheres of the two colleges: “Princeton is lazy, good-looking, and aristocratic. And Yale is crisp and energetic.” (And he went to Princeton- so he’s definitely not putting down Princeton in any way, just stating his observations.) So in terms of atmosphere, go with which one you would identify with more.”</p>
<p>I clicked with Yale and the people I met there more so than at Princeton. I would describe Princeton students as “motivated” versus Yallies, which I would describe as “inspiring.” It takes a certain spark in an individual, and I really saw this difference in my experience at Princeton, Yale, and all of the other schools I was able to visit.</p>
<p>Being inside the residential colleges for a couple days and nights gives you a TRUE sense of what Yale is like. There IS a bubble to be found. Yale is not the busy streets visitors see when they pass by; Yale is sitting around a fireplace in the common room late at night, talking about philosophy and life. Inside, Yale is home.</p>
<p>Talking to alumni from both places, I have realized that Princetonians like Princeton. They like it for the undergraduate focus and the things they have gotten out of their time there, but Yallies LOVE Yale. They are so passionate about the college and the people (the people really do matter!). I’m only an admitted student but I’m already in love with this idea of Yale.</p>
<p>I will leave you with one last article in hopes that you will feel what I feel. This article is actually what inspired me to apply to Yale in the fall. It is just a powerful message about what I noticed all of the students there felt. Enjoy!</p>
<p><a href=“http://yaledailynews.com/crosscampus/2012/05/27/keegan-the-opposite-of-loneliness/[/url]”>http://yaledailynews.com/crosscampus/2012/05/27/keegan-the-opposite-of-loneliness/</a></p>
<p>Honestly, you already know which one you belong at. I was confused for a really long time, but I realized that Yale was the place for me imagining what I want college to be like for me. Just flip a coin! If you’re unhappy with the outcome, you know it’s the other one. You really CAN’T go wrong though hahaha! If its Princeton for you, its PRINCETON for you. Not too shabby… ;)</p>
<p>Congrats again on all of your acceptances and good luck in your decision process, and I really hope I will see you on campus in the fall! If you have any questions, feel free to message me!</p>
<p>Ps. That guy eventually picked Yale, and so did every other pton/yale cross admit I met (I didnt meet everyone though)! Good luck with your choices! </p>
<p>Btw. How are you a fraud? LOL! Smh…</p>