Yale Overnight Visit--Evaluative?

<p>Ok, random issue that I am freaking about:</p>

<p>In October I spent the night at Yale through the Overnight Visit program. I was matched with a really cool girl who was my host (K.) and had a great time with her and her suitemates. Except now I wish I’d never done it for two potentially harmful reasons.</p>

<li><p>K. told me that she didn’t “report back to the admissions office,” and encouraged me to ask frank questions, including those involving other schools. At the time of the visit, I was still unsure if Yale was my first choice. K. had applied to some of the other schools that I will be applying to RD, and we did talk quite a bit about Yale vs. “the other place.” Obviously, after the visit, I was so enamoured with the school, the colleges, the students, etc., that Yale became my first choice. HOWEVER…what if the hosting students actually DO report to admissions? And they tell you that they don’t to encourage you to be honest? (Yes, I am aware that this is paranoid.) Any thoughts?</p></li>
<li><p>When I returned home, I sent K. a thank-you note by email. I must have copied her last name incorrectly, because it kept bouncing back. I contacted the “student questions” email on the Yale website, but the people who responded (some time later) said they didn’t have access to that information. When I sent my supplementary material, I enclosed a separate note stating how much I had enjoyed the overnight stay, and again requested K.'s contact info if they had it, so I could send her a thank you. Never heard back. Again–what if K. had to fill out some kind of brief form re: my visit and admissions somehow KNOWS that I didn’t send her a thank-you? OHMYGOD WHAT IF THE FINAL STRAW IN MY REJECTION IS THE FACT THAT I DIDN’T SEND A THANK YOU??? (ok, breathing here :smiley: )</p></li>

<p>If anyone has any insights on these matters, or even just some good relaxation techniques, please share!!! I’d say that no one could understand exactly how nervous and stressed I am, but I have the sneaking suspicion that most of you understand all too well, because you’re going through it. ;)</p>

<p>maybe someone here from yale who's on facebook could help you :) remember to breathe! i'm rooting for you! :)</p>

<p>Unless you acted in a perverse way nothing about your visit is a big deal. The thank you less not is not a big deal, the conversations are not a big deal. Stay as nervous as I know you will and wait for the ClickNSmile.</p>

<p>i think you have NOTHING to worry about for the first one. I don't think K. would lie to you, or any overnight visit hosts in general. I think the Yale adcom will understand how much you love Yale by virtue of the fact that you applied there EA. For your second concern, I don't think you have ne thing to worry about too. Yale would see on your app that you are concerned about replying to K., and that you possess common courtesy, a quality that they probably seek in applicants. Also, if it makes you feel any better, I made a grammatical error (used the wrong verb tense) in my essay, so I too was SO NERVOUS. I wanted to call the admissions office, contact my regional rep bla bla to rectify the error. But I realized bringing attention to the fact may serve to my detriment, so there's nothing we really can do accept sit here and wait.</p>

<p>okay. deep breaths. calm down. that was crazy. there aren't secret student spies out to get you. :)</p>

<p>"There aren't secret spies out to get you."</p>

<p>You NEVER KNOW!!!
/tinfoil hat</p>

<p>Seriously, thanks for all the sane replies! I'm still working on the whole breathing thing, but it's getting easier :D</p>

<p>omg calm down. we just hosted a few people in our suite and it was really chill - we all just sat around and it had nothing to do with the admissions office - they must have sent out a note with advice on how to treat the guest but that's about it - nobody asked for any kind of evaluation...</p>

<p>conwoman--for reals?</p>

<p>Ohmygod, thank you SO MUCH for replying! In the unlikely event that I do get in, I'll track you down with baked goods.</p>


<p>we try not to get in trouble when we host students... like the email we got a month or so ago saying that we shouldn't drink with prospies.</p>

<p>do don't worry. we don't say anything about the kids. what do we know anyways?</p>


<p>this makes me laugh.</p>