<p>I got my interview last minute because there was a glitch in my app. Since it is coming up soon (and I'm super-nervous since I found out my school's valedictorian decided to apply to Yale early as well) I would really like to know what sort of questions were asked by your Yale alumni interviewer, so I can anticipate them a bit. This will be my first interview of any type, so I would like to be prepared. I know most people have already gotten/finished their interviews, so can you please tell me what sort of questions were asked? Thanks!!!</p>
<p>wasian girl, I had my interview yesterday. Although my interviewer sent through a whole lot of questions (political leader you admire, describe a friend and why that friendship is important, etc.) the actual interview was extremely casual and relaxed, more like a chat with a friend for an hour, and he barely even asked me any of those questions.</p>
<p>Things that came up were: Why yale? What extra-curricular activities you are involved in. What you like about your school and what you don’t like. Because I’ve travelled a bit we spoke about that. He asked about what my plans were for the future, what universities had I applied to in my hometown (I’m an international student so I guess that’s OK…!), what sort of courses I’m interested in, what I want to do after Yale, why I chose to go through the American system, what my essays were about, etc. He also asked about my family.</p>
<p>Then you get to ask your interviewer questions as well. Have some prepared, be interested, ask questions of the interviewer. The interview is a two-way street. You may find out some great things about Yale you didn’t already know, and it’s a good chance to “connect” with your interviewer. I asked quite a few questions, and it was a worthwhile exercise.</p>
<p>And of course, the most important thing to do is be friendly, be mature, show that you’re a thinker, not a robot. Do not expect to be able to go in and talk yourself up and discuss all your beliefs and role models and all your extra-curricular activities.</p>
<p>All that said, every interviewer is different, and I’m sure all candidates approach the interview differently. Just be adaptable. Good luck - but you’re an Intel winner. You don’t need as much luck as I do.</p>
<p>sorry to hijack but how did you get contacted by your interviewer? Did she e-mail you first? or did you have to contact Yale to “sign up” for an interview?</p>
<p>powerbomb, READ the sticky on Interview, plz.</p>
<p>I got contacted by my interviewer through phone. Many contact you through email, though.</p>
<p>Hey wasian_girl, congratulations on your interview. May I just ask you a question: where are you from? …in case you happen to be from my country…</p>
<p>Totallysunshine- How did you know I’m an Intel winner XD Maybe i’m not discrete enough with this CC thing.</p>
<p>Iamhopeful- I’m from the United States.</p>
<p>wasian… nah i just read an old post of yours recently and i remember names well. hopefully your interview goes/went well.</p>
<p>make sure you have a concrete answer to the “why yale” question and talk about yourself…that is what i did in my interview. Mine was more than 2 hours and my interview said it was a great interview as I left. </p>
<p>Remeber be yourself. Best of Luck!!</p>
<p>wethepeople- I’m jealous! >.< im so nervous.</p>