<p>Hi everyone!!</p>
<p>For the short-takes, did you guys just write briefly, or go really in depth and all</p>
<p>Hi everyone!!</p>
<p>For the short-takes, did you guys just write briefly, or go really in depth and all</p>
<p>I wrote them EXACTLY as they asked for them. Usually one sentence but sometimes two, and each one was exactly 25 words or less.</p>
<p>You have very limited space…</p>
<p>i was honest, cpncise and informal. example: when they asked something i wanted to improve about myself, i wrote about my lopsided jumpshot. lol</p>
<p>don’t stress the short takes, they’re just to make sure that you’re not completely antisocial/arrogant/insane</p>
<p>thanks so much! :)</p>
<p>Exactly as they all said, just be yourself and say what you would really do. One of my friends tried to do limericks for all of them but I personally think just tell them a bit about yourself.</p>
<p>Since your overall charisma and ability to be ‘interesting’ is actually the best predictor of how well you will do in life and thus your probability of donating money back to Yale, just write them in such a way that it seems like you’re not calculatingly writing them, but you actually are.</p>