
<p>Would you care to chance me (although admissions can be arbitrary and impossible to chance)? Can you tell me good, average, or bad shot? Thanks. I will try to list everything.</p>

SAT 1: Math- 800 CR- 730 Writing- 750 Composite- 2280
ACT: Composite- 32 Composite Superscore- 33
SAT II: Math II- 770, BiologyM- 750, US History- 740 <em>I think these are a weakness</em>
GPA: 4.00 UW, 4.7 W
AP: Calculus AB-5 Bio- 5 US Hist- 5
Rank: 1/450 at a public school in Phoenix, AZ (not very competative)
Senior Curriculum: AP Environmental Science (independent study), AP Spanish, AP English Lit, AP Calc BC (independent study), AP US Government, AP Physics B
Awards: National Merit Commendation, AP Scholar, National Honor Society, School Poetry Contest- 1st place 3 years consecutively, District Poetry Contest- 3rd place (9, 10), School Science Fair- 2nd place out of over 100 projects, ASU Science Symposium (present science project) Invitation, Tons of smaller school awards like student of the month and outstanding senior</p>

<p>Extracurriculars In School (leadership, awards)(years):
1) Varsity Cross Country (All Region Student Athlete 2007, Captain)(9, 10, 11, 12)
2) Varsity Track (Captain) (9, 10, 11, 12)
3) JV Soccer (Captain) (9, 10, 11) Varsity Soccer (12)
4) Science Club (President, Head of Zoology Department) (9, 10, 11, 12)
5) Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Vice President) (9, 10, 11, 12)
6) Best Buddies (Peer Member) (9, 10, 11, 12)
7) Young Republicans Club (President, Founder) (12)
8) National Honor Society</p>

<p>Extracurriculars Out of School (leadership, awards)(years):
1) Boy Scouts of America (Eagle Scout) (9, 10, 11, 12)
2) Bank of America Student Leader Nonprofit Internship Program (12)
3) Catholic Youth Group (9, 10, 11, 12)
4) Catholic Social Justice Organization (12)</p>

<p>Work Experience:
1) Advanced Lifeguard (10, 11)
2) Bank of America Student Leader (Boys and Girls Club Nonprofit Intership) (12) </p>

<p>Hook: None. I'm white and middle class.</p>

<p>Future: I want to study Biology along with poverty economics, global health policy, and environmental studies. I wish to attend medical school and then become a doctor working for a nonprofit such as Doctors Without Borders. Also, I would like to do medical research more focusing on prevention of disease rather than treatment. </p>

<p>Recommendations: I think they should be strong. My biology teacher is not the strongest writer but still talked highly of me and her experience with my. My history teacher is a strong writer and talked about the fact that he removed me from the classes curve because I made it too difficult for the other students. </p>

<p>Essays: Good, not great.</p>

<p>Location: Phoenix, AZ</p>

<p>Schools: Yale, Stanford, Brown, Dartmouth, Rice, Williams, Bowdoin, Middlebury, Pomona, Carleton, Whitman, Notre Dame, St. Olaf</p>

<p>Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Heyyyyy, I have half of your schools in common! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Your SAT’s and GPA shouldn’t be any problem, even though your WGPA is not as high as expected – did you take many regular classes before? </p>

<p>Also, I don’t think your SAT2’s are a weakness. They are all on the high side, and as long as they’re not below 700, they don’t even really count that much. </p>

<p>What is really impressive is your athletic record – to pull off all those amazing stats on top of the sports is really, really impressive. Plus, were you not recruited for any of the sports? I also really love how you were very dedicated to almost all of your activities. The colleges are going to take that in mind. </p>

<p>Yale, Stanford and Dartmouth are basically crapshoot – you might get in, you might not, even though I don’t see almost any reason why they shouldn’t accept you at every school you applied to. The EC’s are what really shines out to me. If anything will keep you out, it will be the essay (because those prestigious universities expect you to be pulitzer-prize level writers on top of perfect GPA and SATs.) or just plain bad luck.</p>

<p>WHAT? How is a 4.7 WGPA not high enough? it’s plenty high.</p>

<p>The OP is the class valedictorian, they could care less if he had a 3.0. GPA only matters in the context of the school.</p>

<p>Not outstanding but you definitely have a shot</p>

<p>Great shot at all three of the schools in the title.</p>

<p>Definitely have a good chance at those schools. Not a shoe-in, but good chance!</p>

<p>Yeah, my Weighted GPA used to be 5.89 but we changed our GPA system so now it is 4.7. I have taken every honor class at my school.</p>

<p>Also, my trascript (although I am the only person with my GPA) says my percentile is 99.77</p>

<p>Do colleges care (I guess it doesn’t really matter b/c I can’t do anything)</p>

<p>Thanks for the chances. Anyone who could go through the specific schools would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Sorry, another question. </p>

<p>What would be my chances at Princeton. I know it’s a crapshoot but are we talking 5%, 10%, or 30%? </p>

<p>Also, just to rant, I feel I should of applied to Harvard just for the sake (because it’s no extra work) but I didn’t. Dumb move ay.</p>

<p>^ eheehee. Me too. I should’ve to Harvard applied as there was no real work, but I didn’t feel like using more money for apps. heh. </p>

<p>I take back my statement about the WGPA. 99.77 percentile is pretty darn impressive.
As for Princeton, I’d say the chances are about 15%…Trying not to be too tough, but just the number of qualified applicants are crazy this year. :P</p>

<p>But then, nothing is set in stone – one college might really like your essay, another might think it’s so-so, etc.</p>

<p>bump any comments appreciated. i’ll try to return the favor (as much as I can)</p>


<p>I’m just suprised that you are from Phoenix and are applying to two schools up here in Minnesota. I doubt you’ll come here though cause you probably will get into one of you’re ivys or Stanford. Good luck!</p>

<p>so actually this thread has really discouraged me from attending yale or stanford. Obviously a lot of people have viewed this thread but no one cares to offer an opinion. Shows a lot to the “collaborative intellectual environment” at these schools.</p>

<p>Young Republicans Club :frowning: </p>

<p>Seriously, you have a good shot at everyone of your schools.</p>

<p>Thanks for the response! Yes, I am a Republican (although I would have vote for Obama because I think he posesses a profound ability to unite, orate, and lead the nation). Right now, I’m writing a letter to Obama in protest of FOCA. I think it would be absolutely ridiculous to pose a threat to Catholic Hospitals in the US and also think it is in direct violation of Webster v. Reproductive. Hopefully, when Congress and Obama pass it, the SC will shut (parts) of it down.</p>

<p>Alright I can’t take it anymore. Enough lurking, time to make some comments. You probably won’t get into Yale and you’re chances are even lower for Stanford. You have an adequate profile but without amazing essays and recs, you’re chances aren’t very good. Stanford’s going to have a 5% or less RD admit rate, you have to be amazing. The other schools you have a better shot at. Brown good shot, Dartmouth a bit of a reach but very possible, Rice good shot, Williams same as dartmouth, Bowdoin looking alright, Middlebury again looking alright, Pomona possible; Carleton, Whitman, Notre Dame, St. Olaf I don’t know enough about but I assume you get in there. I hope you’re Catholic if you want to go to Notre Dame.</p>

<p>Very impressive stats. </p>

<p>Yale, Stanford, Brown, Dartmouth, Princeton are all completely unpredictable. I’d say your chances are about the school’s admissions rate. You are certainly well qualified, but these schools are EXTREMELY selective, and reject thousands of equally qualified applicants every year. </p>

<p>Williams, Middlebury, Bowdoin-certainly strong chances, but still really selective. I would say pretty definite acceptance at least one of these, but hard to predict where or how many. </p>

<p>Rice, Pomona, Carleton, Whitman, Notre Dame, St. Olaf- pretty good shot at all of these. Like I said, you are a very impressive applicant, but admissions are a tossup. Definite admission to many of these though I predict. </p>

<p>Good Luck wherever you end up! :)</p>