Yale Summer Program in Astrophysics (YSPA) 2022 - Apply now!

Now accepting applications for Yale Summer Program in Astrophysics (YSPA) 2022. https://yspa.yale.edu/

YSPA is a 2-week online + 4-week residential research and enrichment program for 32 rising high school seniors who are interested in astronomy, physics, math, computer programming, and other science and tech fields.

YSPA has a small student-to-faculty ratio (32:5), so students get to know each other and the faculty very well. It’s a summer experience like no other.

Applications are due on March 5, 2022.


Do I have to attend both online and in person ? Or is there a only online option ?

Everyone does a 2-week online course before the 4-week on-campus program, so it’s really a 6-week commitment.

Do students with good grades, high test scores and strong letters of recommendations but no prior research or prestigious awards ever get admitted? Trying to stay hopeful.

Decisions are out. I got in!

Has anyone else received a decision? I still haven’t gotten anything.

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Same, haven’t heard back yet.

I haven’t heard back.

Good luck!!

Congratulations! Will you attend? Also, can you share a bit about yourself such as interests, stats, etc. Anything at all, really. I’m keeping an eye on this program as it sounds really amazing.

It’s a pity that I registered on this forum too late and missed such an opportunity :neutral_face:

I got waitlisted :frowning: hoping to be admitted if someone turns down their acceptance!

Has anyone else received their results?

Still didn’t get mine back yet.

Thanks! I’m still waiting on SSP decisions, and once they are released, I will decide. The YSPA application doesn’t really ask to for many stats. For instance, they don’t ask for test scores or ECs, but they do ask for a transcript. At the time I submitted my app, I was ranked top 5% of my class of around 600 students with a weighted GPA of 4.7+/5. Additionally, I am currently taking AP Physics C (electricity and magnetism) and Calculus III as my math and science classes for this year. For my recommendation letters, I asked my current science teacher and a past math teacher.

My essays mainly talked about how and why I came to love chemistry and physics. I discussed my passion for experimenting with common household chemicals at home, and explained my eagerness to seek opportunities during high school through Science Olympiad. I ended my essays by saying how I hope to put my past experiences to use at YSPA to inspire others and become inspired. I hope this helps!

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Congrats! How are you going to choose between SSP and YSPA?

Thanks and again, congratulations!!

Has everyone heard by now? Chatter seemed to taper off…

Not sure, but ssp decisions came out last night.

Since I did not end up getting into SSP, I most likely will commit to YSPA.