Yale Supplement

<p>I will be applying SCEA and need some advice for my supplement essay. My counselor at school insists that my essays should emphasize the fact that I am hispanic. My common app essay does not cover this topic, so I was thinking if this is something that I should use in my supp essay. The problem is that, even though, it is true that both my parents are hispanic (I was born in the US) I really don't feel that it is something that defines me or that I consider a major aspect of my life. Of course, we speak spanish at home, I love the typical foods and I haven't felt like a foreigner the few occasions I've visited my parents' countries, but I don't have a strong hispanic way of life.</p>

<p>The bottom line is that I believe if I write something about this issue just to play the hispanic card, it might not come out strong because I don't really feel it.</p>

<p>Should I make an effort and write about this issue or just be true to myself and write about something that I really love, like my love for books and literature?</p>

<p>What you really love haha you’ve already played the hispanic card, no need to say it again</p>

<p>Be yourself!!! Adcoms are pros at reading through bs! And also, you will have already indicated that you are hispanic, so that is covered.</p>

<p>I agree with the above statements. They already know you are Hispanic, so write about something you are passionate about. Writing about your love of books will allow them to see your intellectual side even more.</p>

<p>Thank you! I’ll follow my insticts.</p>

<p>I don’t understand the sarcasm in your not so helpful reply.</p>

<p>I would write about how you don’t feel connected to your Hispanic roots. That, i believe, would come out more natural and seem more profound, especially when you tie it back to how Yale can help you learn more about your heritage and give you a deeper sense of who you are.</p>

<p>You’ve already marked Hispanic and that you speak Spanish at home, any more you say is up to you. </p>

<p>If there’s something that you want to write about that touches on your Hispanic background, that’s fine, if you want to write about something else, that’s fine too. </p>

<p>Please see the Hispanic Students subforum for lots of information about fly-ins, scholarships, admissions, etc.</p>