Yale University Admissions Fall 2022

accepted to my dream school :partying_face:

Stats: 4.0/4.7
SAT: 1450 :skull:(didn’t submit outside VA schools)
IB Diploma Candidate (taken 4HL/6SL)/so far one 7
Lots of leadership in HS+clubs/very good ECs+CS (150hrs+)/Sports Capt

accepted: GMU, UVA, William&Mary, JMU, Villanova, Bowdoin, Colgate, BC, UNC Chapel Hill, Middlebury, USC, Tufts, Georgetown, Vassar, Barnard, Yale
waitlisted: Harvard, Hopkins, Rice
rejected: Brown, Columbia
waiting on: Howard


Congratulations! What intended major did you select / write an essay about? Were your ECs connected to that major / area of academic interest?

P.S. Did you mean 6 IB subjects in total (i.e. 4 HLs and 2 SLs)?

accepted!! :tada: 1480 (ss) 4.5/5.0


Thank you! I put down Cog Sci, Neuro, and I think Biochem or Psych as my intended majors/minors. My essays were mostly focused around my family, my passions and research in genetics and early childhood development, my faith, and classical music. My ECs could be connected to my major depending on how you view it, but I detailed how Cog Sci is pretty interdisciplinary and could fit around my different interests in some of the supplements.

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I’ve taken additional classes than what is required by the diploma. Fortunately, my school offered IB Chem and IB Math Apps&Int sophmore yr, so I was also able to take 2 more SL courses in IB Physics and IB Math Analysis during junior yr.

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