Yale Young Global Scholar

have no heard anything yet. looks 2023 later than before.

Any body have any luck? or got any updates about waitlist clearance.Its May now

Still waiting patiently

still nothing…

Got off the waitlist and need to confirm within a day. We currently have an acceptance from UIowa SSTP . What would you choose if you had these options?

Great…!! when you got the updates? is there any other people got off from waitlist?

UIowa? So this offer is not going to Yale?

wow, that is great. congratulations!


i believe waitlist results are also out. Now lost hope. lets see…

Results are not out for everyone I think they have begun to go through the waitlist. My daughter is still waiting :frowning:

That’s great that he got into two great programs he should pick the one where his interest will flourish the most

My son got an email a couple days ago about schedule, what to pack…etc. it says in the email the program is full. They now proceed to arrange dorm. I think if you are on waitlist and still don’t hear from them, you may have to find other alternatives for summer

May be you are right.But if the program is full then they should close the waitlist and confirm same to other students.Thats what they have communicated in their initial email.
Though I have very little hopes now…but still never know…

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