Yale Young Global Scholars 2016

Hello!! This post is for any type of discussion regarding YYGS 2016.

I was accepted into TIE, you guys?

What’s TIE?

@Menduch Technology, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship

@ejjjjjj Oh, congratulations to you! Have fun! I applied to be a QB College Prep Scholar and they have both of those summer programs included but the results haven’t been released yet. Fingers crossed for me and you haha

@Menduch Thank you! Best of luck to you :slight_smile:

@ejjjjjj Thanks! :slight_smile: Keep me updated on how the summer program goes, yeah? Lol, I’ve never had the opportunity to attend one so might as well live it through someone else’s experience :smiley:

@Menduch will do buddy!! keep in touch:)

@ejjjjjj Yup, sure! PM is always open so (:

I was accepted to IAS! :slight_smile: I still need to figure out how to come up the money to attend since I didn’t receive as much financial aide as I was hoping for!

@liveforadventure Congrats! :smiley: How about jobs? Maybe mow someone’s lawn or run errands? You still have two months left to fundraise/complete jobs. A yard sale sounds good too! Good luck!

@ejjjjjj this is super late but I’m also going to tie!! excited to see you there :slight_smile:

Hi!! So this is the first I’m hearing of this particular yale summer program and I now plan to apply for next year! I was just wondering what your essay topics were? I assume they change every year but it’d be nice to see an example

The biggest one was about things/people shaped you as a person and shaped your goals. The others that were smaller were about why you want to be a Yale young global scholar, what you can bring to the YYGS session that others can’t, and topics like that. @anna2018

Oh and I was accepted in to BBS :slight_smile: