Yale's most popular course-happiness

I’m surprised no one posted this yet:


What’s the price of happiness?

A student wrote an editorial about this today in Yale Daily News. I thought it was well written and brought up some good points.

My alma mater best Yale . I know of someone whose concentration at Brown was Happiness.http://www.browndailyherald.com/2015/04/06/independent-concentrations-reflect-students-interdisciplinary-interests/ She received a Gates Cambridge Scholarship.

I kind of wish OP had not put “Yale” in the title (which, I assume, made the mods move it.) It seems to me that this is a good topic for the Parents Forum. It’s not about Yale. It is about students wanting to learn to “live a happier more satisfying life”.

I was surprised it was moved. Don’t know how to edit it, but I too thought it was interesting for many reasons-The mention that so many Yale undergrads need mental health treatment; that most Yale lectures have fewer than 600 students; and that despite being the most popular course in history there, it will not be offered again ever.

^ That most Yale lectures have less than 600 students shouldn’t be surprising. It’s not exactly a gigantic uni.

FYI, I was not the mod that moved, but to add some texture:

The New York Times put Yale in the title, not the OP. The OP posted a link without much commentary, so it’s not surprising that it was moved.

Was anyone surprised when the article mentioned that more than half of all yale undergrad students sought mental health care during their time there? Seems so high to me.

Berkeley had a free EdX course on line that was open to all called the Science of Happiness. It was the largest enrolled course of all time. People from all over the world signed up, something like > 76,000 enrolled.

The Yale course will be a available on Coursera.


I was surprised a quarter of Yale students were committed to 8 hours of sleep! I know my D did not do that very often.

I read the article and the course sounds like it is Berkeley-lite. The Berkeley course which was first offered in 2014 had a series of experts in their field all over the world presenting material in videotapes, on the various theories and practices to gain happiness. There were video tapes and readings, and surveys throughout that posted results of the enrolled class. There was a pin up map that showed where all the students were from throughout the world and something about the professions of students enrolled. I took the Berkeley course and if it is still available, I highly recommend it. I just checked and it is free. More than 450,000 have taken the course since its inception. There clearly is an appetite for this on college and noncollege campuses. Yale should have expected a landslide of enrollees based on Berkeley’s experience.