Yay first post. My stats.

<p>Hey guys I'm a junior this year and yeah. First post and all, these are my stats:
I know I'm a year away, but things are starting to come in clearer with new SAT scores and such so yeah ^.^</p>

Rank: UW: 1/645
Weighted: 4/645
UW GPA 4.0
W GPA 4.11
Course Description: Very difficult</p>

SAT I CR: 750 Math: 800 Writing: 640 w/ 11 Essay (Best sitting)
CR: 780 Math: 800 Writing: 640 w/11 Essay (Best combined)</p>

<p>(Best sitting)
1580 Cr + Math<br>
2190 Total</p>

Korean: 800
Math IIC: 800
U.S. History: 800</p>

<p>AP Exams:
US History: 5</p>

<p>EC's (in order of importance)
-Started and organized charity fundraisers for victims of Darfur Conflict that have raised over 3,550 dollars so far.
-Started Academic Decathlon Team and Captain at our school which... sucked... but we compete in a small state so we got 6th... (I don't want to say out of how many =P)
-Captain of Track, 2 year letterman, Best 100 m time 11.9 (Hopefully if I get faster I can get recruited) Creator and webmaster of track website
-Student Body Vice President, Student Council for 3 years.
-School Orchestra, 1st Chair 1st Violin, Officer
-Diversity Council 2 years, Vice-President
-450+ volunteer hours, mostly at hospital
-NHS member, 1st year
-School link crew... helps out new students and stuff
-2 full summer spent in Korea
-Some other non important ones that I only did in 9th grade.</p>

All-Conference as Violinist
All-Conference 2nd Team as Sprinter
None others as of yet.</p>

<p>The schools I want to get in</p>


<p>Georgetown: School of Foreign Service (1st choice) International Relations
Johns Hopkins *No not as a med student XD International Relations
University of Chicago, Economics
Harvard, International Relations or Economics
Columbia, International Relations</p>

UCSD, International Relations
Berkley, International Relations
George Washington University, International Law</p>

American University, International Relations
Ohio State, I dunno... just because I'm a legacy.... don't think it'll help at a public school
University of Minnesota, Liberal Arts</p>

<p>So yeah, pretty much all urban schools with big student bodies with great humanities programs is what I'm into. </p>

<p>I'm pretty nervous about my writing scores. I can't get that up no matter how hard I try. My essay scores are the only thing that keep me afloat on that, and it's already been my 3rd time taking it and it's improved from about 570, 630, 640 so I don't think it'll get that much better =/ I hate you College Board for adding the writing part =P</p>

<p>I dunno, also as people say many schools look for "angular" students, and I'm not what they're looking for. I know that'll probably hurt my chances that I wasn't outstanding at anything, but rather just good at most things I did. *Sigh.... So any schools (I haven't been able to find one) that openly admit they like "well-rounded" students.</p>

<p>So yeah any tips for other schools that may be fits and such?</p>

<p>Thanks very much</p>

<p>Bah it won't let me edit</p>

<p>Just a note. Pretty much what I'm riding on to get into some of the better schools is to get in the low 11's by the end of this year in the 100 meter, which I think is a possibility. If that happens (my times aren't good enough for larger schools like Berkley, UCSD, Ohio State) I probably have a shot at Columbia, Harvard etc.</p>

<p>Other edits:
Wow... I screwed up alot on stuff.
The fundraiser number was not 3550 dollars but 5550 dollars</p>

<p>Our school doesn't have many AP classes and so the ones I'm planning to take yet are Chem, Physics, Macro, Micro, Calc, and English Composition</p>

<p>i think u can get into some of ur reaches, like johns hopkins. but ur a junior, so that means u still have a year!</p>

<p>Yay today we got our scores back for our school's Princeton Review practice ACT and I nailed it! 36! w00t! I hope I can do as well in real life ^.^</p>