<p>Hey guys I'm a junior this year and yeah. First post and all, these are my stats:
I know I'm a year away, but things are starting to come in clearer with new SAT scores and such so yeah ^.^</p>
Rank: UW: 1/645
Weighted: 4/645
UW GPA 4.0
W GPA 4.11
Course Description: Very difficult</p>
SAT I CR: 750 Math: 800 Writing: 640 w/ 11 Essay (Best sitting)
CR: 780 Math: 800 Writing: 640 w/11 Essay (Best combined)</p>
<p>(Best sitting)
1580 Cr + Math<br>
2190 Total</p>
Korean: 800
Math IIC: 800
U.S. History: 800</p>
<p>AP Exams:
US History: 5</p>
<p>EC's (in order of importance)
-Started and organized charity fundraisers for victims of Darfur Conflict that have raised over 3,550 dollars so far.
-Started Academic Decathlon Team and Captain at our school which... sucked... but we compete in a small state so we got 6th... (I don't want to say out of how many =P)
-Captain of Track, 2 year letterman, Best 100 m time 11.9 (Hopefully if I get faster I can get recruited) Creator and webmaster of track website
-Student Body Vice President, Student Council for 3 years.
-School Orchestra, 1st Chair 1st Violin, Officer
-Diversity Council 2 years, Vice-President
-450+ volunteer hours, mostly at hospital
-NHS member, 1st year
-School link crew... helps out new students and stuff
-2 full summer spent in Korea
-Some other non important ones that I only did in 9th grade.</p>
All-Conference as Violinist
All-Conference 2nd Team as Sprinter
None others as of yet.</p>
<p>The schools I want to get in</p>
<p>Georgetown: School of Foreign Service (1st choice) International Relations
Johns Hopkins *No not as a med student XD International Relations
University of Chicago, Economics
Harvard, International Relations or Economics
Columbia, International Relations</p>
UCSD, International Relations
Berkley, International Relations
George Washington University, International Law</p>
American University, International Relations
Ohio State, I dunno... just because I'm a legacy.... don't think it'll help at a public school
University of Minnesota, Liberal Arts</p>
<p>So yeah, pretty much all urban schools with big student bodies with great humanities programs is what I'm into. </p>
<p>I'm pretty nervous about my writing scores. I can't get that up no matter how hard I try. My essay scores are the only thing that keep me afloat on that, and it's already been my 3rd time taking it and it's improved from about 570, 630, 640 so I don't think it'll get that much better =/ I hate you College Board for adding the writing part =P</p>
<p>I dunno, also as people say many schools look for "angular" students, and I'm not what they're looking for. I know that'll probably hurt my chances that I wasn't outstanding at anything, but rather just good at most things I did. *Sigh.... So any schools (I haven't been able to find one) that openly admit they like "well-rounded" students.</p>
<p>So yeah any tips for other schools that may be fits and such?</p>
<p>Thanks very much</p>