Yay. Math2+Phy 800s with 4 days of studying (diff curriculum!) Tips inside

<p>Okay, let me know what you want to know.
I literally studied for 4 days, no more. SAT on saturday morning, and tuesday was when I started reading the SAT books. I had to learn quite a bit, mostly for physics as we don't cover much of what the US curriculum does.</p>

<p>PM me if I haven't responded to this thread in more than 4 DAYS. No earlier.</p>

<p>Books I used:
Physics - Princeton Review
Math 2 - Barrons
Both - the CB official</p>

<p>In terms of learning, I had one exercise book. I'd go through the stuff taking notes (CONCISE!) and then do the exercise qs. I'd mark them and circle incorrect ones. Then at the end of the book I redid all the wrong qs. Then I corrected them again and redid the ones that were still wrong (not sure if I ended up having time for this with physics, might not have)</p>

<p>Also I had a 1 page summary of notes for physics that I used.
And I had a thinf of 50 flashcards that I wrote about 4 terms/concepts on each card for physics (lol only started the day before the test -.-)</p>

Wouldn't have got an 800 without it, I did essentially every question on it.
Amazon.com:</a> Ti-Nspire CAS with Touchpad: Electronics</p>

<p>I did 1 official math test, 2 of the barrons tests for math. Barrons I scored something in the 700s and the CB official was 800. Second barrons I did I think I got 780 or so.
Always work super fast in practices.</p>

<p>Physics: I did 1 PR test. Not sure. And 1 official test.
Official was 800.
also Sparknotes! Can't believe I forgot.
750 on test 1, 720 on test 2.
I did all the practice tests pretty fast.</p>

<p>Wow, congrats! Did you take AP Physics before taking the test? Also, what would you say are the most/least important topics to study for the test? Like which should I focus on, and which should I spend a little less time on? I’m taking the Nov. 5th test, by the way. Thanks!</p>

<p>Nope just VCE (australian) physics, which covered only part of the SAT physics.</p>

<p>Essentially <em>everything</em> in the PR physics book, except I didn’t focus much on the last chapter (the last chapter was theory about who discovered what etc), which had too much theory to learn and I knew there wouldn’t be many qs on it (there was 1 that was super easy IIRC)</p>

<p>And you have HEAPS of time!
This weekend, commit to THIS.
Go through the PR (or alternative book). Take the notes and do the questions until you get them all right.
Then do 2 practice test per week until the test.</p>

<p>Yeah I have PR and I’ve got like 4 chapters left (thermal, modern, rotational motion, and magnetism) but I need to review BADLY. Thanks for the advice though. I really appreciate it!</p>

<p>This is a great thread. Thank you so much, I’m taking both in around two weeks! (:</p>

<p>haha the title of this thread sounds like a book from tim ferriss (wrote “The 4-Hour Workweek”)</p>

<p>No worries guys - and scrivener, I love that book ;)</p>

<p>im not so worried about math ii, but for physics im currently in ap physics B(highest offered) and last year i took honors physics. I have to learn thermodynamics, modern physics, magnetism, and rotational(possibly skipping this as there is only 1 question on it according to sparknotes) by myself. Hoping in the next 2 weeks I can get down to some serious studying :/</p>