
<p>Well I am officially done with all of my college auditions.</p>

<p>It's been such a fun process, and I really just wanted to take a moment to express how grateful I am for this website. Thanks to everyone who has given me advice over these past few months, whether its been for what schools I would be happiest at, right down to what would be the best shoes to wear for a dance call! I am so glad that this supportive community exists, and I am actually really excited for the next year to start so I can come back to this site and help out everyone auditioning for the class of '14! That must sound crazy haha, but I really am psyched to be able to share my experiences with other auditioners who are gonna be going through this process soon, and help them out like so many of you have helped me out. Thank you so much for putting up with my endless amount of questions, I really can't express how much I appreciate it.</p>

<p>You all are great, and best of luck to the class of '13!!! Here's hoping that every one ends up going where theyr'e meant to be :)</p>

<p>Way to go, Kitkatt!!! Relax and pat yourself on the back. You did it! Now start stalking the mailman :)</p>