YES Abroad 2018-2019

me neither- i’m an alternate also

@natalia_bnm I am taking it- ack! It was my first choice too, so I was shocked to get it on top of being chosen at all, haha. Maybe someone else declined and we’ll be able to go together. :slight_smile:

Has anyone found out about moving up yet?

On the Facebook page someone got upgraded to Malaysia yesterday !!

Hey guys so have a question. So I was reading through the Facebook page and College Confidential. I recall YES saying we had until March 20th to decline or accept but people have said since they didn’t hear from NSLI-Y or CBYX that they haven’t gotten back to YES. I just wanted to know was this true and allowed?

What’s the link to/name of the Facebook page?

K-L YES Abroad 2018-2019

never mind, I found it :slight_smile: so nervous now that more notifications are coming out!

If anybody knows the admin for the Facebook group, can you please ask them if they can accept my join request, I’ve been pending for over a day. Thanks!!

@ojinmorocco I feel bad for even asking. Congratulations, really. That’s really incredible that you got your first choice!

@Markal It was possible to request an extension to the YES deadline. Those extensions should be coming up any day now but not all have yet so anything is still possible for you.

Has anyone heard of any who received an offer to YES AY AND to NSLI AY?

@natalia_bnm No problem- I would have asked the same thing!

Have any more alternates heard if they have been upgraded?

I haven’t. Do you know how many people have been upgraded so far? There might not be any more spots.

The extended deadline was yesterday, but before that, I only heard of one person who was upgraded.

I’m guessing that some people turned YES down after NSLI-Y decisions came out (I read some comments on the NSLI-Y thread)

So that means that most people who get upgraded will find out this week, doesn’t it? I’m terrified.

Me too. My heart is racing every time I get a new email.

@ojinmorocco I’m going to Morocco with YES too!