Yes... another Compare these schools thread

<p>So, I am a junior who is quite interested in the college search. However, there is only so much that you can find out without actually visiting the school. With that being said, 2 schools in particular that I can't visit as of yet, but still would like to know more about are Goucher College and Lewis and Clark College. These schools strike me as being quite similar, but I really have no idea.
These schools are both possible low match/safety schools along with TCNJ, SUNY Geneseo kalamazoo, however I will be able to visit both of these schools. (I have a loooong list)</p>

<p>I would like any feedback comparing Goucher and Lewis and Clark seeing as they seem to be quite similar.</p>

<p>I guess I ought to tell you a bit about myself... So, as of right now I am split between three majors: those being econ, bio and english. I will probably double major bio/econ with english. Until recently, I had ruled out for the most part schools that were near the city. However, a different part of me enjoys the excitement of city-life as well. I have been driven away by city schools because of my love for the outdoors. Also, most schools in the city tend to be larger and less academically driven. SO what do I want in a school? As both of these schools have, I would like a strong study abroad and internship/research opportunity. I would love a community feel, but at the same time I am starting to second guess myself if I really want a college about the size of my high school....</p>

<p>SO. I think i have told you enough about myself for you guys to readily compare the two schools for me....</p>

<p>DD2 was accepted to L&C. She was looking for a geek school where students can be as they are/feel. It is a beautiful campus (former estate) in a very funky city. There is very much to do outdoors in Portland. I don't know how it fits with Goucher but DD2 picked it over Beloit, Kenyon and Oberlin.</p>

<p>Hi Erin's Dad,
Interesting she chose L&C over Oberlin and Kenyon but I see you are from Ohio.
WHat is she studying? Does she go into Portland alot? Does she mind the weather (does it rain alot)My daughter is deciding between oberlin, l&c and Pitzer. In Claremont today! But we did visit L&C and she adored was however a year ago and her memory of that visit has faded a bit.</p>

<p>Hi Radannie, We're not quite out to the college yet. DD2 is in her senior year but made the selection once she had all the info. She actually likes rain so the weather shouldn't deter her. I am sure she will be a regular rider on the bus to Portland if for other reason than Powell's Bookstore. She's a quiet person who is kind of geeky herself and felt at home when she visited. She also likes trees and outdoors so was impressed with the campus. [Her older sister told her to hold out for the visit to Reed in Portland - DD2 took the trip and loved it, but not Reed!]</p>

<p>My best friend is a junior at L&C, and she hasn't seemed that pleased with the school, though the campus is (allegedly) beautiful and the study abroad opportunities are indeed <em>incredible</em> (she's spending the year aboard in France). She's said that the "laid back" study body often lends itself to extreme apathy, that it seemed like all anyone ever talked about is how wasted they are, were, or will be, and that the professors can be very hit and miss.</p>