Yes, another Harvard thread...

<p>I posted about a month back, but I just sent in my EA application and I have all my stuff finalized with new SAT scores. Figured I'd put it up again...</p>

<p>Rank: 2/250
WGPA: 4.26 @ end of junior year w/ first quarter senior year predicted 4.6+
Grades: All A's except for one B+ in history last year :-\
Ethnicity/Location: white male from north of Boston</p>

SATI: 780m, 680v, 740wr = 2200
SATII: Math IIC:790 || Physics: 780 || Chem: 750
AP tests: CalcAB: 4 || Chem: 4 || Eng. Lang.: 5</p>

Freshman: 4 honors (maximum allowed)
Sophomore: 5 honors (maximum allowed)
Junior: 3 APs, the rest honors (maximum allowed)
Senior: 5 APs (decided to take a free period (snack time :D ) instead of a sixth AP)</p>

<p>AP courses: CalcAB, CalcBC, Physics, Chem, Eng. Lit., U.S. History (2 year course), Spanish</p>

Coordinator of freshman orientation program (50+ hours)
Coordinator of local food shelter colunteer program (50+ hours)
Yearbook, senior editor/EIC (11,12)
Math team, captain (10, 11, 12)
Spanish club (9, 10, 11, 12)
9 day service trip to Virginia (50+ hours)
4 day service trip to Boston (20+ hours)
Retreat leader at school (30-40 hours)
Newspaper, writer and layout editor (11, 12)
Member of school's design team for a company that started a website for helping students with college application process
Soccer (9, 10)
Intramural soccer and basketball (9, 10, 11, 12)</p>

<p>Awards/Academic Honors:
Headmaster’s List = A-'s and up (9, 10, 11)
Member National Honor Society (11, 12)
Member Spanish National Honor Society (10, 11, 12)
National Spanish Exam: 2nd place in state/3rd place in country (9)
National Spanish Exam: 3rd place in state/4th place in country (11)
*for Spanish Exam, getting 2nd in the country is like getting one wrong with a a lot of other kids =)
Academic Excellence Award in English for 2002-2003 school year
Academic Excellence Award in Math for 2003-2004 school year
Academic Excellence Award in Physics for 2004-2005 school year
*for awards, basically means best grade in that subject in highest level class
Harvard Book Award (11)
AP Scholar with Honors (12)
National Merit Commended Student (10 or 11?)</p>

<p>Work Experience:
I've waited on tables at a local restaurant year round since freshman year, working about 10 hours a week until I was 16 and could work more than three hours on a school night (labor laws?). Then worked 12-18 hours a week Junior and Senior year, with more hours during the summer. Probably will end up having worked about 1650+ hours by the end of the year. I supervise up to 30 other workers on any given worknight.</p>

<p>I also keep score and train kids at clinics for a basketball league during winters, which is about 4 or 5 hours a week on weekends while working my other job.</p>

<p>Pretty good recs, fairly good essay. Applied EA and sent the application in yesterday. I know that's a lot of info, so thanks for taking the time to read it and respond. I ask that you be honest and harsh if necessary, but I think you folks would do that anyway.</p>

<p>If you emphasized your work waiting tables, I think you have a decent shot, but it's Harvard...NOTHING is guaranteed</p>

<p>My job is the topic of my 200 word short answer and is mentioned in my essay. It's obviously on the application and resume, but I'm sure it'll come up in the interview.</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply.</p>

<p>Harvard: 17%</p>

<p>Thanks uvajoe...any other opinions?</p>

<p>good awards but average EC's for harvard</p>

<p>sat I & ap scores seem a bit lacking for harvard standards. ec's seem really good; i don't know what joethemole is talking about. i say you have a fair shot, as do a lot of people. you're competitive, but so are tons of other applicants.</p>

<p>bump . . .</p>

<p>Let me talk to you
Tell you how it is
I was thinkin when I saw that body gotta get shawty
Tell her what the young boy gon do
Damn them chicks wit chu gotta be okay
Babe pretty thick wit the kick that's sick that need to be hit
So tell me what ya'll gon do </p>

<p>sorry... Pretty good chances</p>