<p>I posted about a month back, but I just sent in my EA application and I have all my stuff finalized with new SAT scores. Figured I'd put it up again...</p>
<p>Rank: 2/250
WGPA: 4.26 @ end of junior year w/ first quarter senior year predicted 4.6+
Grades: All A's except for one B+ in history last year :-\
Ethnicity/Location: white male from north of Boston</p>
SATI: 780m, 680v, 740wr = 2200
SATII: Math IIC:790 || Physics: 780 || Chem: 750
AP tests: CalcAB: 4 || Chem: 4 || Eng. Lang.: 5</p>
Freshman: 4 honors (maximum allowed)
Sophomore: 5 honors (maximum allowed)
Junior: 3 APs, the rest honors (maximum allowed)
Senior: 5 APs (decided to take a free period (snack time :D ) instead of a sixth AP)</p>
<p>AP courses: CalcAB, CalcBC, Physics, Chem, Eng. Lit., U.S. History (2 year course), Spanish</p>
Coordinator of freshman orientation program (50+ hours)
Coordinator of local food shelter colunteer program (50+ hours)
Yearbook, senior editor/EIC (11,12)
Math team, captain (10, 11, 12)
Spanish club (9, 10, 11, 12)
9 day service trip to Virginia (50+ hours)
4 day service trip to Boston (20+ hours)
Retreat leader at school (30-40 hours)
Newspaper, writer and layout editor (11, 12)
Member of school's design team for a company that started a website for helping students with college application process
Soccer (9, 10)
Intramural soccer and basketball (9, 10, 11, 12)</p>
<p>Awards/Academic Honors:
Headmasters List = A-'s and up (9, 10, 11)
Member National Honor Society (11, 12)
Member Spanish National Honor Society (10, 11, 12)
National Spanish Exam: 2nd place in state/3rd place in country (9)
National Spanish Exam: 3rd place in state/4th place in country (11)
*for Spanish Exam, getting 2nd in the country is like getting one wrong with a a lot of other kids =)
Academic Excellence Award in English for 2002-2003 school year
Academic Excellence Award in Math for 2003-2004 school year
Academic Excellence Award in Physics for 2004-2005 school year
*for awards, basically means best grade in that subject in highest level class
Harvard Book Award (11)
AP Scholar with Honors (12)
National Merit Commended Student (10 or 11?)</p>
<p>Work Experience:
I've waited on tables at a local restaurant year round since freshman year, working about 10 hours a week until I was 16 and could work more than three hours on a school night (labor laws?). Then worked 12-18 hours a week Junior and Senior year, with more hours during the summer. Probably will end up having worked about 1650+ hours by the end of the year. I supervise up to 30 other workers on any given worknight.</p>
<p>I also keep score and train kids at clinics for a basketball league during winters, which is about 4 or 5 hours a week on weekends while working my other job.</p>
<p>Pretty good recs, fairly good essay. Applied EA and sent the application in yesterday. I know that's a lot of info, so thanks for taking the time to read it and respond. I ask that you be honest and harsh if necessary, but I think you folks would do that anyway.</p>