Yes! He is a Hokie!

<p>We just got the email saying that our s has been offered Early Decision at VT!He will have a spot in the College of Architecture and Urban Studies next fall! We are so thrilled! He hasn't even seen the email yet because he is at practice but I know he is going to go nuts when he gets home, he wanted this to happen so bad. :) I hope you don't mind, but I am sure to be on here asking all of you many school related questions in the next few months. Thanks so much for all of your help so far! What a nice Christmas present!</p>


<p>Congratulations... my daughter just received her ED Offer as well! She will be a history major/business minor. She is very excited and relieved to know she's in at her first choice school!</p>

<p>Congratulations =)</p>

<p>congratulations to your daughter, too, qtsmom! I agree with you about the relief as well as the excitement. Ours was so happy he picked up his sister and spun her around the room for a bit! It was a great scene. After talking to him I realized just how nervous he was about the prospect of being denied or deferred. He went to school this morning with a huge smile on his face and decked out in VT wear! Best wishes again to your new Hokie!</p>

<p>K & K and qtsmom,</p>

<p>You will love that maroon and orange. Our wardrobes are filled with it now and we wear it proudly. Welcome to the Hokie family. I will say that everyone at school has been warm and welcoming both to son and his family. I remember our excitement last year when son was accepted.</p>

<p>Chuy, Good luck on exams and enjoy your break. Looking forward to seeing son next Friday. Had Calc. exam today and it went very well.

<p>I got in yesterday as well.</p>

<p>Calc exams... fun. Glad I'm done with those, haha.</p>

<p>Congratulations!! I hope I get the same letter with my name on it in April.</p>

<p>Congratulations on the acceptances - and like Septembermom said, get ready for the addition of maroon and orange into your wardrobes!! Our s is a freshman engineer this year and he absolutely loves it (in spite of coming home for Thanksgiving with pneumonia). I still remember his smile when he opened his acceptance letter. He never even looked at any others once he got the VT one.</p>

<p>Chuy, hope your exams go well. S only has physics left and then he comes home. I can hardly wait!</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone. D absolutely loves it there even though she is an English major :>)
Kandksmom, that's impressive. VT school of architecture is rated #1 in the country by Architecture mag.</p>

<p>Thanks guillame, we are very, very proud of our guy and are very thankful for our blessings. He has worked so incredibly hard and is such a nice kid, so anything good that comes his way is well deserved. </p>

<p>He received the packet from VT and is now looking at the housing options. One of his friends told him about the Residential Leadership Community. He thought the program sounded interesting, (and liked the idea of supposedly larger dorm rooms). Does anyone have any information/opinions on it? The other one was the WELL. (S is a non-drinker) Chuy and others, any thoughts
on these? Thanks!</p>

<p>Don't do the well. Just... don't do the well. The Leadership one isn't supposed to be that hard (my girlfriend did it last year and it didn't seem to take up TOO much time) and you do get one of the better dorms (air conditioned, you get a suite room, each suite gets its own bathroom.) I'd do the leadership one if I was him.</p>

<p>Was your son offered honors? I don't know if they let people know if they can apply for honors or not yet. If by some chance he was not, I just remembered that the guy from the honors program seemed pretty cool about admission into the program. I was told during an information session that even if admissions doesn't offer to let you apply into the honors program, you can give the guy a call and have him send you an application anyways.</p>

<p>Just a thought if he is interested.</p>

<p>Good morning! Dal, not as of yet. When we toured VT in August, we met with the Honors director and he showed s some of the information about the program. I am not sure s wants to go that route, even if he was asked to apply. He thinks he is going to have quite a bit on his plate just adjusting to life away from home and the rigor of that program. We will see. </p>

<p>I do have a question about putting down roommate preferences that maybe you all could answer. He and a friend have already decided they would like to room together. His friend is being recruited as an athlete, though, and is applying regular decision. Should my s put this student's name on the housing paperwork or do athletes usually room together or are they housed in one particular dorm? His friend is not a football recruit if that makes any difference. Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>I found this in one of the student handbooks that may answer your question to at least some degree.</p>

<p>"If you did not choose your roommate you might be curious about how roommates are matched. Room assignments for new students are made on the basis of the date that the room contract and matriculation deposit are received by the university. The contracts are then filed as they were received, and assignments are made in mid-July. We try to honor mutual roommate requests whenever possible. If students do not request a specific roommate, we attempt to match them with a roommate based on the answers they provide on their Housing and Dining Contract. Although we try to match smokers with smokers, smoking is prohibited in all areas of the residence halls, including student rooms."</p>

<p>This can be found online here: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I couldn't find anything more specific then this unfortunately, so if you'd like to call Virginia Tech and ask the place to do it is: (540) 231-2660 or e-mail <a href=""></a></p>