Yet another AP exam scoring question...

<p>Can someone please break this down for me since I am still somewhat confused... Here's my situation:</p>

<p>I took 1 AP test sophomore year and got a 2. I am a junior and will take 3 this year, probably getting a 3, 4, and 5 on them. Senior year, I will take 4-5 more. I am planning on applying to Ivy League schools. Now, are score reports officially sent to places such as Harvard, or are they ONLY self-reported on the Common App?
If they are only self-reported, which would you recommend for me to report?
Also, what is the difference between canceling and withholding AP Scores? Should I get that first 2 withheld?</p>

<p>Please help me understand this process so that I can avoid making any mistakes!</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Iā€™d recommend self-reporting ALL of them. Self-reporting is all you do as part of the Harvard application process. You took the first test when you were young. That will appear on the score report: what year you took the test, but the score report generally only needs to be sent to the college after you are admitted. </p>

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