<p>I'm thinking of applying to Stanford, Berkeley, and MIT (to name a few).</p>
<p>35 ACT
SAT IIs: 800 on chem & math 2, 760 US Hist.</p>
Chem 4
Bio 5
US Hist 5
Gov 4
Comp Gov 3 (didn't study for it, although i should have)
Lang & Comp 5</p>
<p>GPA: 3.8/4.0 UW, 4.1 W</p>
<p>All honors/AP classes.</p>
Debate & Forensics 3 years. Treasurer, lots of awards.
Quiz Bowl 3 yrs, team captain 2 yrs. Lots of awards.
Spectrum, club i started after a series of racially motivated incidents to promote tolerance, etc at my school.
Band 2yrs, first chair percussion.
Research 3 yrs, chemistry & physics (the physics research will be published in june or july).
Some tennis (no awards b/c i suck).
National History Day state awards.</p>
<p>I can get good recs and my essays will be stellar.</p>