yet another essay question!

<p>Sorry to post here, but this board is so active and we need a quick answer:)</p>

<p>DD is applying to 8 colleges. She wrote a pretty generic essay but could be slightly modified to be "school specific". What is recommended? She answered prompt 6, topic of your choice.</p>

<p>Thanks all!</p>

<p>My D used her generic “topic of your choice” esssay for all of her schools accepting CommonApp. Only one of them turned her down, so I guess it worked. Of course, she wrote custom-tailored school-specific supplemental essays for the schools that required them.</p>

<p>Nothing wrong with modifying essays, and many colleges and the Common App. let you make up your own topic.</p>

<p>My daughter wrote a generic essay but the last paragraph only was school specific for the majority of her colleges. For a few, she just sent in a generic one. There was no difference in whether or not she was admitted. I don’t think it took her long to make them school specific.</p>

<p>Son uploaded the same primary essay. Because frankly, if you change the essay to be school specific there will be section specific areas of the common application that will have to again be filled out again however many times you change the essay. Plus the more essays uploaded, the easier it would be to make a mistake in that “tailoring” process you refer to. Son had three versions of common Application because he used two different short answers because of the different supplemental essays required by the different colleges.</p>