Yet Another Interview Question

<p>I have my interview tomorrow at Starbucks, and since my interviewer requested I fill out a pre-interview worksheet, should I still bring a resume? The form had my GPA, SAT/SAT II scores, identifying info, EC's, exam scores, and parent/sibling info on it, and it was already sent to him.</p>

<p>And anything else I should bring? I heard some people bring essays or printed college applications, but I wasn't planning on that. My interviewer is the president of my area's Harvard club, if that adds insight. Thanks :)</p>

<p>The form asked for everything that was needed. You can bring a resume folded in your purse if that makes you feel better (and if it has important info not on the form). Just see how it goes and whether it is needed.</p>

<p>Interviews are often just pleasant conversations so try to be yourself and enjoy it.</p>

<p>@compmomā€Œ Thank you! It went great</p>

<p>Wonderful, good luck!</p>