<p>Obviously the deadline to contact your interviewer is long past, but when do the actual interview reports have to be submitted by? I've read January 6th, but can anyone confirm?</p>
<p>Is it still worth emailing my interviewer to see if an interview is possible?</p>
<p>it’s jan 6 according to my interviewer. if you still haven’t contacted your interviewer, it’s probably a bit too late.</p>
<p>Try it, if he/she has a good nature, you are in luck.</p>
<p>It probably doesn’t hurt to try…</p>
<p>Search Mikalye’s posts on this board – he had a post on this topic in the “MIT: Master Interview Thead”.</p>
<p>I would only add, that if you are an international, whose applications are read after the domestic pool, then you stand a slightly better chance than if you are an American applicant. </p>
<p>And of course, if you are contacting an EC in January, you can expect to be asked why you waited until now. It would be nice to have an answer to this, which when reported to MIT would not make you appear feckless.</p>
<p>I asked my interviewer for an interview on Jan. 2nd, and he was kind enough to give me an interview today, on Jan. 5th. He already submitted the interview report tonight though, so I guess it’s before the Jan. 6th deadline. He did not hold it against me that I passed the deadline (I actually noticed the deadline a couple of days past, but was too afraid to email him about it until I met him at a MIT luncheon) and never asked why I missed the deadline. I had a great interview and was glad I asked for another chance.</p>