<p>I'm sure some people are ready to start practicing voodoo on the creators of these threads, but alas, here is mine anyway.</p>
<p>I'm from a small public high school in central Maine (actually about 4 minutes from Colby College). I'm white, and though I'm an agnostic, I come from Christian background. Basically, no minority or anything.</p>
<p>GPA: 3.54 (but valedictorian of my class only has a 3.83 or something and my GPA has steadily risen the last 3 years)
Class Rank: 8/129 weighted, 11/129 unweighted
AP's and all that: I've taken the most possible AP's at my school for someone as a rising senior can -- a pitiful four. AP Euro I got a 4 on, and I'm waiting on my APUSH/Ap Bio/AP Calc AB scores. Projected: 5/4/4, respectively.
SAT: Composite is 770 W, 750 CR, 710 M = 2230. On the first test, I got a 2100, second test 2140.
SAT Subject: US History 740, Biology E 720, Math Ic 670 [I forgot my calculator :( ]</p>
<p>As far as challenging myself, I think I've done a fair job. I'm the only person in my school to have taken 4 AP's already, and next year I will be taking Psychology (AP option as an independent study), Physics (same AP setup as psych), AP English, AP Econ (micro and macro), Spanish 4, and Series and Multivariable Calculus at Colby College. I am only one of two kids that took AP Calc as a junior, and one of three that took AP Bio as a junior, all the while taking Spanish 3 as an independent study. I also am currently taking two courses at the Harvard Summer School Secondary School program, a philosophy and an english class.</p>
<p>EC's and that phase of the app:</p>
<p>I have been doing drama since sophomore year, and this is what I will be applying with... Stage Manager of 3 musicals, Actor in 2 musicals, Actor in One-Act competition one year, Lights Technician of One-Act competition two years (and we got 2nd place regionally junior year), Actor in one spring play, Stage Manager one spring play, Lights Technician two winter plays.</p>
<p>I also have stage managed my second Allegria, a dance show that is about 2 hours long. I did lights for a few concerts of one of the teachers. I will volunteer next year as an NHS function.</p>
<p>Yearbook Editor of Sports, Indexing, and Ads sections as a junior, staff as a sophomore, and Editor-in-Chief as senior. The book is award-winning and often commended as best in the state, by the way. I hope it will actually be a major selling point, as I "touched" (was involved with) the creation of about 130/200 pages in the book, including a special dedication to the Adviser, who retired after 41 years teaching.</p>
<p>Some petty sports are hanging around -- football as a freshman, basketball as a freshman and as a sophomore. A few awards are here and there, including a Kodak Young Leaders award and two Renaissance Awards (one recognizing my yearbook work and one for the spanish work). I was one of 12 students put in National Honor Society as a junior. I have had a few jobs, including working 30 hours a week sophomore summer and 15 hours a week first semester of junior year. I have written much of a book on politics and am actively seeking a literary agent. I will be volunteer tutoring in English for the second year.</p>
<p>I hope to participate in Habitat for Humanity, Intramural sports, zozzum (a Harvard talent show), and the internship program for the Harvard Crimson (the newspaper of the University).</p>
<p>My essay will probably be at least passingly good, maybe even great, but only because I'm very organized and will spend the time to perfect it. My recommendations should be very good, as one comes from the AP Director at the school, a Harvard man who wrote one of my recommendations for the SSP at Harvard, and the other comes from an English teacher who I've built a great relationship with (sounds like a line, es verdad).</p>
<p>Finally, to give you a taste of the school's reputation, we have the most athletic state championships (and we're only class B), and our top students matriculated (one each) to Harvard, MIT, Naval Academy, Colby, and Middlebury.</p>
<p>That's my life story in a post, but the schools I'd like to get into...</p>
<p>I'm here at Harvard, and I've fallen in love with it. Unfortunately, it's also the toughest to get into, at least by reputation.</p>
<p>Brown -- the campus, the atmosphere, the flavor. I love it.</p>
<p>Dartmouth -- I am from Maine, and I love the area/atmosphere. Also, my cousin is 1st in her class at Dartmouth Med School. :)</p>
<p>I'll spare the explanations, but Colgate, Cornell, NYU, Carnegie-Mellon, Syracuse (my dad is 'Cuse alumn), American University, Georgetown, Duke, Princeton, Yale, and Tufts are all being considered. Heck, many colleges are.</p>
<p>So, in conclusion, after a fairly coherent post:</p>