Yet another schedule question

<p>I hate asking this after seeing a lot of schedule questions on here already, but I need some input and I'm hoping you all can help. I'm going to be a junior next year(yikes!) and I have a dilemma. I have to get one credit of phys. ed. and for every year I get 1/4 of a credit. So after 4 years I get the credit and thats that. But, I could double up on gym next year so I can have more room for my senior year schedule. Basically what I'm saying is should I take twice the amount of gym for an easier senior year? Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Would doubling up on PE mean losing out on taking another class or would it just be an addition to your schedule?</p>

<p>^That’s a good point. You don’t want to have a weak junior year course load or a weak senior year one. Junior year’s usually considered the most important year but colleges will be disappointed if it looks like your rigor drops of senior year.</p>

<p>Well it depends which year you want to take which course. For me, junior year will be packed because I have to take American lit (junior course) with apush. So I can only take US junior year. Also, I want to take ap comp junior year so it will help with apps. So my junior schedule will be packed with lots of tough courses and I wouldn’t be able to fit in a double gym. If I were you I would plan out exactly what I want to take which year and see where there’s the most room for gym.</p>

<p>It might mean that I can’t take AP Psych. But I haven’t done my schedule yet to see what could work and what couldn’t. And I know that junior year is important, thats why I’m not sure if I should double my gym and take the class senior year or take gym both years and work in an AP.</p>