yet another schedule

<p>I am an incoming freshman majoring in MEB</p>

<p>Currently signed up for:
Chem 1a
Math 16a
MCB 98
which makes for 12 units total</p>

<p>I am wait listed on a few more seminars but I doubt I will get into those</p>

<p>Any suggestions of what else I can add on so I can get more units?
Thank you!</p>

<p>ooohh, you got into public health 24? i really really wanted that seminar, but it was all filled up with 10 people waitlisted when my telebears phase II came around</p>

<p>as for your question, it really depends, if you want to add a four unit class or a small 1-2 unit one (like a decal. check out [DeCal](<a href=ā€œā€></a>)
i would look into your major requirements and also the l&S requirements to make sure you are on track for satisfying those</p>

<p>I am in CNR, not L&S haha but I get what you mean</p>

<p>And yeah I was super excited that I got into that seminar! It was all luck</p>

<p>I signed up for the premed decal but nothing else on the decal list interests me, yet</p>

<p>you could always try a decal or maybe a PE class for more units that require little to no work</p>