Yet another Test Optional question (when seeking merit)

I am trying to help DC decide whether or not to submit test scores to various schools, but with a small wrinkle.

What would you do if your child’s scores were comfortable for admission, but you are also hoping for merit aid? For (purely hypothetical) example, if the 25%-75% range is 1280-1440 and your child has a 1450? (plus a 4.0 UW, high rigor, many APs, etc). If it was strictly about admission, I would suggest that DC submit scores. But if DC is also seeking merit aid, would you still submit?

You’re asking if you’d submit scores that are over the 75th percentile?

I definitely would, and my return question to you is: why wouldn’t you?


Yes - when seeking merit.

For admission alone I definitely would. But I am wondering if a score just at or above the 75% mark is sufficient if seeking merit. Or will they reserve merit for those with much higher scores?

I know you’re asking about merit. But the point I was making is, you wouldn’t be better off not submitting.

Schools that provide merit aid fall into three groups.

  1. Auto merit. For these, you know beforehand whether or not you qualify for aid.
  2. Stats driven (example, Rutgers). Here, submitting a high score will work far better than not submitting.
  3. Purely holistic (example, UMD). Here, your score could be at the 95th percentile and you could get nothing. Or at 60th percentile and get something. I’ve seen both. So, no downside in submitting IMO.

Hope that helps.


I believe you are overthinking things. Submit the test scores.


Definitely overthinking :smile: Thank you both!


It depends. Pitt used to say you needed a 33 for merit. They don’t anymore and some on here said they’ve gotten merit TO.

But that’s likely an exception, not the rule.

In general terms, I agree with the others.

Furthermore, often a high SAT is better than it sounds. BU has a 35% submission rate, NEU 44%, etc. my point here is often schools showing high scores are basing on a portion of kids. That high score is often better than it seems.

I would look at the merit page for each school considered to see if like Pitt used to they show a minimum. But I’m general terms it seems like you should submit.

Good luck.