You cannot enroll in classes until you complete steps 1-2 of the Academic Profile

<p>When I click on the link, it brings me to and I have some of these options:<br>
Student Center
My Academics
Future Plans
Bursar Info
Financial Aid

<p>I can't find the Academic please?</p>

<p>This thing is so confusing. I can't accept/decline my financial aid either. Also, how/when do I pay for my bill?</p>

<p>I'm a transfer student btw. Thanks</p>

<p>I’m not very familiar with the ACES system as it is now since I did all of that under the old version 4 years ago but you could try checking under either my academics or future plans. It might be under the “Long Range Plans” tab under future plans but I could be wrong. </p>

<p>As for financial aid, what do you mean you can’t accept or decline? When you click on financial aid tab, you should see a sub-tab of “accept/decline financial aid.” Clicking that should bring up a list of items whereby you can click boxes to accept or decline individual items before clicking submit. </p>

<p>As for how and when to pay your bill, you have basically two options. 1) Pay everything in a lump sum when your bursar’s statement comes. 2) Sign up for the monthly payment plan. Duke has a contract with Tuition Management Systems (or something like that) whereby students can sign up to pay their entire year’s tuition in 10 (I think) monthly payments. The fee to sign up is ~$50 (I think).</p>

<p>Under the Long Range Plans, it says that it’s for Trinity Undeclared Students Only. Does this mean I don’t fill it out, even though it’s tell me to?</p>

<p>When I click the “accept/decline financial aid” stub, it gives me a table, and under “Aid Year Description” it says " Award access not available."</p>

<p>Okay, I’ll take a look at that Tuition Management Systems. Do you/ many duke students use the monthly payment plan?</p>

<p>This Student Center website is really annoying for me. Maybe it’s because I’m a transfer. Ugh!</p>

<p>I don’t even have an adviser. Surprisingly, the people in the office aren’t very helpful at all. They always redirect me to a different office. I’ll call OIT, then they’ll put me through engineering, then they’ll tell me to go to registrar, and they will tell me to go to new students, and they’ll tell me to go to admissions. -.-</p>

<p>1) Oh well unless you’ve declared a major or are in pratt, you probably will need to fill it out at some point. But I just took a look at the blue book. Apparently if you log into Dukepass ( under the first-year student tab or something like that will be a link to the academic profile. </p>

<p>2) If it says award not available then either you haven’t gotten your financial aid package yet or you didn’t apply for one. Perhaps give the FA office a call and see what’s going on.</p>

<p>3) My family used the monthly payment plan all 4 years. Except for the part where you calculate your monthly payments at the beginning of every year (that part can get confusing since you have to crunch the numbers yourself), everything else is pretty hassle free, you can opt for automatic withdrawal from your bank account.</p>

<p>If you need someone to talk to for advice about classes or getting through the bureaucracy, Dean Connie Simmons in the Pratt Dean’s Office might be a good person to call or email. She’s usually pretty knowledgeable about registration/enrollment issues. Just let her know that you are a transfer and temporarily don’t have an assigned adviser.</p>

<p>I don’t have a physical copy of the Blue Book :(</p>

<p>And yea, that’s the link that brings me to the Student Center page…which doesn’t have the academic profile.</p>

<p>I have my FinAid package. It was emailed to me a couple of weeks ago, and it’s displayed on my Student Center. I just can’t accept it. I guess I’m going to give them a call.</p>

<p>Okay that sounds like a good idea, especially since my parents can’t shell out 10k in a single payment.</p>

<p>I gave Connie Simmons an email, and she told me to send her my official transcript under her name as the ATTN. The school I’m transferring from only gave me the option to send it to the Admissions Office. I guess I’m gonna have to give Admissions Office a call too.</p>

<p>Also, the link for my Health page or whatever says that no records are to be found. I faxed in my immunization forms a while ago too. They said they received it. I guess that’s ANOTHER call to make:(</p>

<p>I always assumed I wouldn’t have complications like this when I’m enrolled at a private university. I guess it’s the same for may schools =/</p>

<p>One last question…sorry to bother you, but is there some sort of form I have to fill out if I’m under my father’s health insurance? Because I think I read somewhere that I have to have Duke’s insurance or something of equivalence. I couldn’t find it on this site:</p>

<p>[Duke</a> University | Student Affairs | Student Health | Forms & Policies](<a href=“Duke Student Affairs”>Duke Student Affairs)</p>

<p>Thanks so much for your help!</p>

<p>Here’s an online copy of the blue book:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If your FA package was emailed to you (which the FA office haven’t done for me in about a year) then it’ll listed your FA counselor. Give him/her a call to sort this out and he/she might be able to manually enter your decision for you. Alternatively, you might need to print out, sign, and mail in a part of your package to show your acceptance but I highly doubt it since that’s what they did 4 years ago. </p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry about the immunization. I didn’t even turn mine in until late into the semester and they were OK once I did it. If they say they have it then give them a chance to update their records. In the worst case, they’ll send you a warning email about it and then you can sort it out. It’s not like they’ll kick you out or anything. </p>

<p>As for the insurance, they are supposed to send you an email sometime during the summer giving you the option of either signing up for Duke’s student insurance or answer a questionnaire to waive your participation (if you have insurance from another source).</p>

<p>The deadline to obtain the insurance waiver is september 15, 2010. To complete a waiver request go here:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I called the FinAid Office and they enabled the option for me to do so.</p>

<p>Duke just sent me an email that they’re charging me for immunization in my bursar’s invoice. But as long as I sent that waiver form you gave me by that deadline, they’ll take the fees off.</p>

<p>Also I emailed Dean Simmons and she said she’s going to take a look at my transcript and once all my courses have been transferred (or not) she’ll contact me again so we can work on my schedule.</p>

<p>So I guess my schedule/dorm is all on waiting.</p>

<p>Thank you again for your time SBR! :)</p>

<p>Glad to hear that things are beginning to work out. Best of luck.</p>