You do decisions take so long?!?

<p>Anyone know the reason? It's killing me! Only a few weeks left though</p>

<p>I would imagine…</p>

<p>1) UM gets a ton of applicants - near 25,000 I think.</p>

<p>2) They want to get an overall picture of the potential class profile based on RD applicants. They should find that out soon, because the RD deadline is tomorrow, if I remember correctly.</p>

<p>4) They want to go over every application thoroughly, and read each essay and recommendation and look at each applicant holistically before making a decision.</p>

<p>Just my ideas :slight_smile: Either way, the EA notification day is coming up really soon! Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks rankir. Oops the title should say why not you</p>

<p>I think because they go over the ED apps first. So when they send those decisions out they focus on the EA apps.</p>

<p>Sucks that decisions take so long! Does anyone know if they will notify us online about our acceptance/rejection?</p>