You get into Yale, but are rejected from H, which is your #1 choice...

<p>I didn't post because I'm bitter - which, to be honest, I am. I only brought it up because, in the scheme of things, this kid is damn lucky. Yale was not my first-choice school either but, like most applicants, I would probably have put a cigarette out in my eye if it meant being accepted in return. As is the case for many, many applicants who were probably just as qualified as the OP. I don't view giving this kid tough love as being a dick - which, by the way, is a pretty gender inaccurate term - but as being perfectly honest. Also, considering that you have no idea what my application was like, why I was rejected, or whether I was more of less qualified than you to be accepted to Yale, it's condescending and self-congraluatory of you to bring up my rejection. Yale admissions is a crap-shoot for about 90% of applicants, and anyone who says otherwise is in denial.</p>

<p>Post Script: Having looked at your states, yeah I think I've pinpointed how you got accepted. Unfortunately for me, I DIDN'T use my Native American citizenship to get acceptance.</p>

I would probably have put a cigarette out in my eye if it meant being accepted in return.


<p>that was vivid</p>

<p>and the rest of your post was a bit um...politically incorrect...good job</p>

<p>p.s. i dont think the OP got into yale. acceptances haven't come out. it was just a hypothetical question. good job again, ms. chip on the shoulder</p>

<p>See, I don't think I'd put a cigarette out in my own eye. Instead, I'd go to the admissions office at Yale and threaten them with a cigarette. I get to keep my vision and get into Yale. Win FREAKIN Win baby.</p>

<p>Wow, considering I value your opinion about as much as I would a bucket of day-old urine, I'm so glad you consider my posts as exemplary as you do, MallomarCookie of the Clan of People Who Should Really Consider Swallowing Their Own Toungues.</p>

<p>can't we all be civil :(</p>

<p>Of course! For example, congratulations on your likely acceptance notification. You seem like a very nice, well-qualified applicant. I don't hate ALL Yale students after all...just the hypothetically ungrateful ones.</p>

<p>"I didn't post because I'm bitter - which, to be honest, I am."</p>

<li>Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. We call this denial. </li>

<p>"I only brought it up because, in the scheme of things, this kid is damn lucky. "</p>

<li>No <strong><em>, sherlock. Perhaps I should stop being so nice now. You are also lucky. Most of us in this *</em></strong>ing forum are really lucky. We are competing for spots in the world's most prestigious universities. For you to be brining in examples of horrible actions in the world and portraying them as reasons why he shouldn't **** for his "luck" is rather ridiculous. </li>

<p>"Yale was not my first-choice school either but, like most applicants, I would probably have put a cigarette out in my eye if it meant being accepted in return. As is the case for many, many applicants who were probably just as qualified as the OP."</p>

<li>I would have not put my cigarrete in my eye to get into Yale. I'm sorry. My eyesight is valueable. Quite frankly, as I've said in other threads, this obsession with "Ivy" is kind of ridiculous. You can be a great person whatever school you go to. That said, the OP might have really wanted to go to Harvard. What do you know about the OP's life, motivations, etc.? Maybe it's because the OP comes from a long line of Harvard alumns...what if he really likes a program in that school? </li>

<p>As many being just as qualified as the OP - Yes. That said, admissions is not the "crapshoot" people portray it to be. There are reasons people get accepted, and people that don't. There may be a few % that are in that gray area, but quite frankly, admissions wants something and many people don't give it to them. It's not just "in the stats". Then we'd be the Japanese. And you really don't want that.</p>

<p>" don't view giving this kid tough love as being a dick - which, by the way, is a pretty gender inaccurate term - but as being perfectly honest."</p>

<li>Tough love would be if you wanted to inspire some change. Tough love is when you want to change the behavior. Tough love is not telling someone their "disaster" doesn't compare to Darfur. You are right, it doesn't. But of course, they probably knew it before you told them.</li>

<p>"also, considering that you have no idea what my application was like, why I was rejected, or whether I was more of less qualified than you to be accepted to Yale, it's condescending and self-congraluatory of you to bring up my rejection. Yale admissions is a crap-shoot for about 90% of applicants, and anyone who says otherwise is in denial."</p>

<p>So wait, the student that goes to Yale, that knows admissions officers, that speaks to people at Admissions on the weekly basis, and who knows interviewers that work for Yale directly (not alumni interviews), is in denial? Because it is not a crapshoot to 90% of the people. The admissions office doesn't roll a 9 and keep you at Yale or deny you for rolling a 5 on their two dice. </p>

<p>Don't reduce the role of essays, interviews, recommendations, and many other factors that you have no idea bout. Admissions isn't a game of numbers. Not everybody that applies to Yale is a "Yalie." And there's a difference between being a Yalie and being the "best student eva!". No, you are right, I don't know why you didn't get in. Quite frankly, it seems that you are bitter about it and need to get over it. Perhaps that will make you into a better person. </p>

<p>"Post Script: Having looked at your states, yeah I think I've pinpointed how you got accepted. Unfortunately for me, I DIDN'T use my Native American citizenship to get acceptance."</p>

<p>LOW BLOW! OOOH! That really hurt!
1. Didn't mention ethinicity. In fact, I put "white", I believe, just to make sure I wasn't considered Hispanic.</p>

<li>That doesn't explain how I got into many other wonderful educational institutions.</li>

<p>Again, stop trying to be mean. Numbers don't mean everything. If they did, we would have no need for admission's offices, recommendations, interviews, etc. </p>

<p>Quite frankly, I got in. You may say it's because I'm Hispanic. I'd like to think I'm a unique individual. I, however, did get to talk to my admissions officer why I got in. I'm happy to know the reason.</p>

<p>And no, it's not because I'm Mexican.</p>

<p>Have a nice day.</p>

<p>PS: Brand...that was awesome! I'll tell you where it is just so I can YouTube that.</p>

<p>PS deux: "Wow, considering I value your opinion about as much as I would a bucket of day-old urine, I'm so glad you consider my posts as exemplary as you do, MallomarCookie of the Clan of People Who Should Really Consider Swallowing Their Own Toungues."</p>

<p>Wow. That's mean. I mean, your post really wasn't that politically correct. That's all the poster said. really need to get over your Yale rejection.</p>

<p>Hersey, I don't mean to be creepy, but are your initials KH?</p>

<p>P.S. Ferny don't bother.</p>

<p>OMG Oujia **** is goin down tonight!</p>

<p>Wow, because the name Reyes wasn't a complete give away as to your ethnicity. Also, you yourself said in anothe forum that admissions was, in fact, a "crapshoot". I'm sure the admissions committee found your hypocrisy and short-term memory as charming and delightful as I do. Those are the only two things I picked up from the two seconds I spent scanning your post. Seriously, I have better things to do than read the petulant ******** of affirmative action babies. Try getting into college on your own merit rather than making the rest of us URM's look bad.
In other news, my initials are not KH. They are FU.</p>

<p>Post Script: I'm glad you explain each and every one of my opinions with the fact that I was rejected from Yale. What an astute psychological observation. Your intellect is truly astounding.</p>

<p>Hersey, I hope you weren't being sarcastic about the initials. If you weren't, that's cool too. I was just wondering because your stats remind me of someone I know of at Berk.</p>

<p>Look, obviously this whole thread has gotten way out of line. I'm done arguing with you people. You'll continue to think I'm a vengeful jerk whose taking out her rejection from Yale on other CC members. I'll continue to think you are crude and nasty for exploiting someone's rejection from Yale as a means of insulting them. That said, I'm done here. Good luck to all applicants, and if any of you get into Yale but not not Harvard, seriously, don't complain to me about it.
Post Script: If I remind you of someone you know, that can't be a compliment to that person. And yes, I was being very sarcastic about my initials.</p>

Look, obviously this whole thread has gotten way out of line


<p>Has it really? Do tell.</p>

I'm done arguing with you people.


<p>Aww :(</p>

<p>Wow, I said I was done, but seriously. Let it go. </p>

<p>Post Script: Lifting any quotes from me demands a 5$ royalty charge. I like to earn back the money I spent being rejected from Yale in intervals of five you see.</p>

<p>Clearly, there is a distinction between a post meant to ease concerns and one that speaks truths about the admissions process.</p>

<p>No. Yale Admissions are not crapshoots. I can tell that from the student body, from my knowledge of the admissions process and other reasons aside that I won't go into. There is a "Yale" student and many great applicatns are not "Yale" students.</p>

<p>That said, I have no reason to apologize for my last name. If admissions wanted to let me into Yale because of my race, I ultimately CANNOT do anything about it. I applied, my real name is on it (which is Reyes, as you've said) and I do not check a URM ethnicity in hopes of that not being an issue. That said, if an individual at the admissions office believes I'm hispanic, than so be it. My favorite example of a name being deceptive is "Boatwright". You would think, White. Turns out he's hispanic. Funny.</p>

<p>LOL, my own merit? So you already assume that I already got into college because of my stats? Because I'm hispanic? Because I don't have a 2300 on the SAT or a 35 on the ACT? </p>

<p>As explained before, the admissions process is not just about numbers. If it were, that would be sad indeed.</p>

<p>I'm sorry, Mrs. KH. (I will assume FU was trying to be deragative to Mallomar) I can't help you. At some point, one has to learn kindness, respect, and understanding.</p>

<p>Those are the marks of a good person. Perhaps Yale only accepts good people? No. That can't be it. Too many good people don't get it. Quite frankly, get over your bitterness. Berkeley's a nice place.</p>

<p>That sad, man, I sure do pity those who have to be around you...negativity abound, harshness...</p>

<p>PS: I do bother. Because Yalies care :)</p>

<p>PS2: "I'll continue to think you are crude and nasty for exploiting someone's rejection from Yale as a means of insulting them."</p>

<p>No. I only exploit it, madam, in trying to make you understand that attacking somebody on the internet is not an excerise in kindness. I did think twice in doing that, but I think you need to learn some "tough love" about how to treat others on the internet.</p>

<p>That said, I do wish you luck on your future endevors. But please, stop being so mean to people. There is no need for more of that in this world.</p>

<p>Yeah it's chill. I really only am interested because I def. think I know of you!</p>

<p>Look, I am sorry about the affirmative action comment. That was probably uncalled for (after all, there are plenty of qualified URMs, even if there are many unqualified ones as well), but honestly, you can't tack everything up to me being rejected from Yale. It's insulting to my multi-faceted character of "harshness" and "negativity". Am I bitter? You bet your ass I am. Was that my reason for posting? Definitely not.</p>

<p>I don't think so. I'll give you three more chances to guess my intials, but if you don't get it right, you have to switch universties with me (assuming you get into is, after all, a crapshoot like no other...don't argue with me on that). Also, there are many, many *****y Yale-rejects at Berkeley, so don't presume to think that they're all the same person.</p>

<p>Naw, it wasn't that. It was the mention of the debate program 2 years ago, the filmmaking, the IR interest, and a couple other random stalkerish things. But nevermind--I missed the fact that you were a "URM"; my friend is Jewish.</p>

<p>Also, I'd NEVER switch to Berkeley. Terrible place. I don't know if our reasons for believing that are the same, but in any case...don't make me go there please :)</p>

<p>You mistook me for a friend of yours? Really? How can you make friends with people of such questionable character as to lend them to the possibility of terrorizing sweet, vulnerable CC posters? Tsk tsk. What would Yale think of judgement like THAT? </p>

<p>Post Script: Considering that other than the Native American citizenship, my ancestors were Nazis and IRA members - essentially WWII pro-German agitators - I think it's safe to say I'm not Jewish. Unfortunate, because fire script looks so...neat.</p>