<p>^ Some of my favorite well-known people went to Yale.</p>
<p>hmm. I don’t mean this to sound rude, but…
you want to go to yale because your favorite celebrities went there? seriously?</p>
<p>If you look at how amazing an actress such as Meryl Streep is, you wonder how she obtained all that talent. It just fascinates me that Yale helped her and was most likely a significant reason why she is such a fantastic performer.</p>
<p>I would never want to go to Yale just because my favorite celebrity went there. Yale is my dream school for many reasons. Some of which I wrote about in my Why Yale? blurb.</p>
<p>@Pyn: I’m not a desperate essay writer; I’m quite the opposite actually! I just think it’s fun to spout on and on about how amazing Yale is, and there are far too many threads dedicated to desperate essay writers looking for a list of what they should talk about in their “Why Yale” essay…this is all in good fun, no strings attached ;)</p>
<p>“Celebrities” or “well-known” people might not mean those in the entertainment industry. Bill Clinton is well known, so is John Lewis Gaddis (relatively speaking). I wrote my “why yale” based on those two people btw :D</p>
<p>Meryl Streep went to Yale.
Rory GILMORE went to Yale.</p>
<p>Blair Waldorf might also end up there. </p>
<p>haha, another gilmore girls fan :)</p>
<p>I’m guilty of that as well 0:) It’s really hard not to be! haha</p>
<p>damn…it turned my angel face into a smiley with a “0” before it…that’s awkward</p>