<p>thanks in advance...
if it's relevant i'm gonna be a premed... probably major in psychology or philosophy, with the other of the two being a minor...</p>
<p>white male
private catholic high school in ohio</p>
<p>GPA: 3.93 (4.4-ish weighted...haha not sure exactly off the top of my head)
Rank: N/A (my school statistically analyzed this and found that reporting class rank hurt more people than it helped in the application process, so they dont calculate it anymore, but i'd say i'm definitely in the top 10, if not top 5 out of two or three hundred.)
SAT: 2200 (760 reading, 690 math, 750 writing)
SAT II: 690 math I, 760 Literature </p>
<p>AP: macroeconomics (5), Engish language & comp.(5), Biology (currently enrolled), english literature & comp. (currently enrolled)</p>
<p>Awards: Honors medallion, 3 gold medals for National latin exam, national honor society, latin honor society, national merit semi-finalist</p>
<p>ECs: Varsity football, intramural b-ball, Dictator of latin club, muse machine, plenty of hospital volunteering, shadowing an ER doctor, worked at subway for over a year...</p>
<p>i'm not really sure how competetive it is... i know the med school's uber competetive. anyone wanna enlighten me?
thanks again</p>