You know you want to...

<p>Chance me at Barnard!</p>

<p>3.85 UW GPA at a very competitive public school, top 10% (school doesn't rank, only deciles)
Hardest possible course load
5 on APUSH exam (only one I could take until this year)</p>

<p>2330 SAT (800 CR, 770 M, 760 W)
800 Math II
790 Bio M
720 USH
720 Chem</p>

<p>National Merit Commended
National Spanish Exam Honors</p>

<p>Somewhat mediocre ECs:
Hundreds of hours of volunteer work in a somewhat unique field (my passion, topic of 2 essays and I think one of my teachers and my counselor will also mention it)
Backstage work on many school concerts and shows (my other passion, mentioned in 1 essay and counselor rec)
Clarinet player since 4th grade
Photography (mentioned in essays plus rec from photo teacher)
Plus a couple of community service clubs, president of one of them, and mentor to freshmen as a junior.
Plus work, but that's not a huge time commitment</p>

<p>All ECs for 4 (or more) years except for my volunteer work which I couldn't start until I turned 16 (liability issues, etc.)</p>

<p>One of my teacher recs should be really good and really helpful (shows personality, etc.), I'm worried the other will be very positive but a bit generic. My counselor loves me and her rec is really good... Also including a rec from my photo teacher to provide another prospective.</p>

<p>No hook really, I'm just a Caucasian girl from a totally overrepresented state and town!</p>

<p>People tell me my essays are excellent, I'm not so sure, but I'm self critical.
What do you think? Do my ECs kill me? Applying ED...</p>

<p>I do have legacy, if it helps... (though not through a parent) And I'm not applying for FA.</p>


<p>And while you’re at it…</p>

<p>What about Columbia, University of Chicago, Yale, and NYU?</p>

<p>No one?:(</p>

<p>10 Char</p>

<p>in at bernard, uc, and nyu. </p>

<p>others are reaches. here’s me! </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Definitely (I mean nothing is definite, but great chance lol) at NYU and Barnard, UC a litttlleee less definite, and Yale and Columbia I’d still say your a strong candidate- good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks! I hope you guys are right!</p>

<p>Any more opinions?</p>

<p>So, anyone else?:stuck_out_tongue: Only 2.5 weeks left and I’m freaking out!</p>

<p>Barnard: 90%
NYU: 90%
Columbia: 35%
University of Chicago: 35%
Yale: 20%</p>

<p>barnard - in
nyu - in
columbia - out
chicago - 30%
yale - out </p>

<p>just my opinions</p>

<p>Thanks, I’ve never wanted anything so badly in my life…</p>

<p>Any more opinions? I’m really worried about my ECs.</p>

<p>Five more days! I hope you guys are right…</p>

columbia- reach

<p>chances for me?</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks aem, I chanced you too.:)</p>