you know you're a nerd when...

<p>i must say this is pretty funny... i wish i was nerdy enough to have something to say.</p>

<p>adding on!</p>

<p>i definitely forgot</p>

<li><p>you've sat in (or played) on a whole Dungeons and Dragons campaign and defend it to the death when people badmouth it.</p></li>
<li><p>when you read the side of a kirkland water bottle, look at its ingredients, and can figure out all the chemistry concepts (chem was last year, so i forgot what they're all called)</p></li>

<p>11) When your prom date is Pythagoras, and you friend's is Kennedy!</p>

<p>P.S. I ended up being tangent, and the costume looks uber cool nifty groovy!</p>

<p>you get a job in order to save up for an expensive computer rather than a car</p>

<p>You have your own efficiency formula you use to rate fantasy football players. (Thanks to the formula I'm 21-3 between my 3 FF leagues)</p>

<p>You guys should really play fantasy football. You don't even really have to know that much about football, just stats.</p>

<p>Reading The Fabric Of the Cosmos by Brian Greene... in your spare time</p>

<p>im reading it...and i love it.</p>


<p>The fabric of the Cosmos?</p>

<p>I'm reading The Elegant Universe....</p>

<p>U nerds!!! </p>

<p>jk lol</p>

<p>Nerd? i prefer "intellectually stimulated"</p>

<p>AAHh...fine...I'll go with nerd</p>

<p>You know you're a nerd when...</p>

<li> You know what aqua regia is, and you're actively trying to obtain it.</li>
<li> You wish DuPont sold drums of Na to individuals.</li>
<li> When describing the function of a potato cannon, you say "The piezoelectric grill lighter produces a large potential difference between the two electrodes."</li>
<li> You have 30+ burns on your hands from last minute Science Olympiad-related soldering.</li>
<li> You think Feynman is God.</li>
<li> You know what foo, bar, and baz are.</li>
<li> You enjoy obscure languages like Esperanto and FORTRAN.</li>
<li> You own at least one slide rule and know how to use it.</li>
<li> You notice that this list is in base 9.</li>
<li> You confuse PM with GM, as both are often paired with "AM."</li>
<li> You use a mop so that people will call you a MOPper.</li>
<li> You think the Hohenzollerns are amusing.</li>
<li> You can appreciate a math team named "The Tiankai Liu Personality Cult."</li>

<p>All of these apply to me except 4 and 12. I do have a friend who did in fact get 30+ burns on his hands from Science Olympiad-related soldering.</p>

<p>when you find the definition for nerd:
wikipedia: refers to people of above-average intelligence whose interests (often in science and mathematics) are not shared by mainstream society.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>You know you're a nerd when:</p>

<p>You find incorrect science concepts in ACT prep books, and then write to the company complaining.</p>

<p>(Anyone have Kaplan's ACT prep? Pg 22 or 23 there is an example science reasoning question, by which the writers imply NO3 compounds are insoluble!... noobs.)</p>

<p>the other day i was at target shopping for clothes and i automatically linked it to getting into college.
i was the college and the clothes were the applicants.
there were all the ones that were ugly and i wouldn't accept, there was one pair of pants that were wonderful and i knew i'd buy in some color or size...therefore early decision,somethati hadtodecide on and weigh the pros and cons etc...i was like "damn...i'm obsessed"</p>

<p>That's bizarre. The solubility of all nitrates is a basic chem concept.</p>

<p>frankthetank, what was he doing smoldering? We always used duct tape quite effectively. And I MUST get my hands on a slide rule. :)</p>

<p>You're also a nerd if you locate the used science lab supply store on campus...and buy stuff. :D</p>

<p>He was soldering a whole bunch of stuff. It was a marathon soldering session. He brought a big battery and a soldering iron on the bus to the competition, too.</p>

<p>idk about the ACT book shianaloves but on the SATII Chemistry Kaplan book there was a mistake on the half life explainations...</p>

<p>when you calculate roots of 12-digit numbers in your head, and then find the root in a word search</p>

when u find urself searching through mathworld for some new formulas</p>

<p>Here are a few math/science jokes:</p>

<p>Yo mama's so fat, objects accelerate toward her at a rate of 9.8m/sec^2"</p>

<p>If you were x^2, I'd wanna be 1/3x^3 cause then I'd be the area under your curves..."</p>

<p>Friends don't let friends drink and derive. They know their limits.</p>

<p>So horrible...yet so funny! I like the "derive" one. :rolleyes:</p>