<p>It's been almost a month now, so what do you think?</p>
<p>they will start reviewing after thanskgiving...i think........</p>
<p>Upenn said they'd start nov. 28th so for cornell its prolly tommorrow.</p>
<p>That's not good at all.</p>
<p>What did they do with the 3 1/2 week before Thanksgiving?</p>
<p>When I asked them over the phone, they said they start reviewing as the apps are coming in....I guess the lady screwed me up.</p>
<p>Complete apps are already being reviewed. I called and the lady told me the same. Does make sense. Why wait when all the stuff is there already?</p>
<p>mm..damn i have to call them to make sure they got all of my.. supplemental stuff</p>
<p>I'm hoping that they already have made a decision on mine since the site said my app was forwarded to the specific school about a week and a half ago.</p>
<p>They started on November 14th--straight from a dean.</p>
<p>It's interesting...even if we call Cornell up, we can't ever trust what they say. There are much discrepancies among the responses.</p>
<p>hmmm on the online service site it says my application was sent to the admissions office..even though they didnt recieve one rec...weirrrrdddd</p>
<p>Just because they sent it doesnt mean everything is complete. In fact i think that is even worse because now your application will be sent in two pieces...who knows how the admissions office will screw up.</p>
<p>DoN't worry about when cornell reads applications. as long as you got everything in, then let fate/god/whoever u believe/or if you don't believe in anything ... do its magic.</p>