Young Republican

<p>This year, I founded a Young Republican Club at my school. I know that most college students, professors, and admissions counselors are liberals. I'm not a staunch conservative, but I thought my school's political atmosphere was completely one sided. Should I put this on my application or leave it out? I am in plenty of extracurriculars, so it's not like I "need" this on my application.</p>


<p>I would say include it - you started a club. That is leadership which they like. If they reject you baed on political views is that really a school you want to attend anyway? I feel like Yale would not do that. THey are not going to look at your application and say “Young Republicans Club Founder?..reject”</p>

<p>Add it. It makes you more 3D.</p>

<p>No school is going to deny you because of your politics (or at least, a liberal arts school won’t). Add it.</p>

<p>I think it makes you a more intriguing candidate. Add it, I say.</p>