"your decision is pending review" App status?!?

<p>Today i got the message</p>

<p>Your decision is pending review</p>

<p>We will try to get you a decision in just a few weeks, but you will receive a decision by December 15th at the latest.</p>

<p>has anyone else gotten this app status message. how long after you got it did you get your decision?</p>

<p>I had the "the admission committee is working to render your decision etc etc" message until today...</p>

<p>How long was yours on “working to render your decision”?</p>

<p>hmm. interesting… mine still says</p>

<p>"Due to an unprecedented increase in number of applicants, your application for admission has not yet been reviewed.</p>

<p>The Committee on Admission is working to render your decision as quickly as possible."</p>

<p>mine says that they still need my act and personal letter, both of which ive sent</p>

<p>that is cause for concern lol</p>

<p>depending on how long you’ve been waiting, i’d call tulane about that. after a month i had to resend my counselor rec and transcript because i was told tulane never received either.</p>

<p>i called today but the guy was gone so im calling again tomorrow</p>

<p>good luck getting in</p>

<p>I Had the “the committee is working to render your decision…” message for about 4 weeks but I’ve had my file completed since mid Oct. I applied using common app EA (before Nov. 1st) not personal app.</p>

<p>That just means they don’t have a decision yet because they haven’t reviewed your application. Mine said that as well until it switched, notifying me that I was accepted.</p>

<p>i never had that. I had SAT and rec missing for about a week after I submitted my app and then " working to render decision as soon as possible" for 9-10 days and then it switched to accepted. I applied Oct. 27 I think? Found out 2 1/2 weeks.</p>

<p>I would just call and check with them but dont stress.</p>

<p>Mine says Your decision is pending review We will try to get you a decision in just a few weeks, but you will receive a final decision by April 1. Im pretty sure its a type of deferment.</p>

<p>For those of you that sent things but Tulane says they don’t have it, check with them to see if they created two files by mistake. This has happened enough times to make it at least a possibility. If they discover they have, then they can merge them and get on with things.</p>