<p>Can some current or former students give their personal experiecence at UCLA and wheather or not they would come back if given the chance to be a freshman again? That would be very helpful.</p>
<p>I’d definitely be back. I’ve had a great experience - I wish I had done more club activities and general outside of school extracurricular activities earlier in my years, but I’m doing it now as a third year. I’ve loved the sports games - cheering on the football team to a 13-9 victory over our rivals at Southern Cal- the friendships made in my residence hall (still live with, hang out with my floormates), and all the crazy science I’ve had a chance to participate in (developing artificial brain tech). LA is an amazing place to be. To be honest, I could never live in Los Angeles but I would go to school here again in a heartbeat. Sometimes I think about what would’ve been if I had the financial ability to have enrolled at Columbia/Cornell, or had chosen Cal, but I’ve made one helluva journey here. Ultimate frisbee, Bruin Consulting, playing basketball at Sunset and laughing the random crazies on Bruinwalk. The weather is mostly amazing, the women are beautiful, and I’ve made a lifelong friendships here. Do what you feel is right for you - go with your gut.</p>
<p>i wish i went to more UCLA football/basketball games, and i wish i played IM flag football.</p>
<p>if i could start over, i would have definitely tried harder to study abroad (taking language courses over the summer/spread them out over the quarters. i wanted to study at tokyo u btw)</p>
<p>here is a link to a a survey of graduating seniors 2 years ago: [UCLA</a> Seniors Highly Rate Curriculum and Intellectual Challenges at the Campus](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/article/7926]UCLA”>http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/article/7926) or here [Senior</a> Survey 2005 - UCLA College of Letters and Science](<a href=“http://www.college.ucla.edu/senior05/]Senior”>http://www.college.ucla.edu/senior05/)</p>
<p>If you do a google search, you can find other surveys of ucla grads</p>