Your GW Fly-In Program 2017

Hi all! It seems that nobody has started a thread about this, but I was curious to see if anybody had applied to GWU’s fly-in program (called Your GW).

If anyone has previously applied/got accepted to the program, I’d also love to hear from you about when you got accepted, how selective the program was, and your overall experience!

I’m in the process of applying right now, and i’m so glad you made this thread!! Are you applying?

Yay, glad to find another applicant! I just submitted my application yesterday. Hoping to get an answer soon, as it’s a rolling admission. Are you planning to apply for financial help with transportation?

no, i don’t have a guidance counselor at the moment because mine retired and i’m not in school yet. have you checked out tulane’s fly-in? also, where are you from? i’m from southern ca

I did receive a letter from Tulane about their fly-in and how they’ll waive my application fee/consider me for scholarships. I’m not sure if I will apply, though, because their program date is around the same time as UPenn’s PEEP program (which I’m also applying to).

I’ve never really considered Tulane until their recent emails, so maybe I’ll look into it more. I’m from Connecticut so I’m planning to stay around the northeast and DC area. Best of luck if you’re applying though, and I’m crossing my fingers for the Your GW program! If you need any help with the GW application/want me to read your essay I’ll be more than happy to do so :slight_smile:

Anyone hear back yet?

Anyone hear back yet?

Hi! I’m hoping to apply by Oct 10 for the November one, but my HS messed up my transcript and since it’s rolling admits I’m not sure…

Hi! I forgot to say it but I got accepted around two weeks ago. I will be submitting them the documents that confirm my travel plans tomorrow.

@HalfwayThereUni1 I would still apply, because it never hurts to do so. October 10th is still a few weeks from now, so you still have time!

Congratulations @BioRocksMySocks!! I hope you have a great time!!

And okay! Thanks so much!! I know it’s a long shot-- my GPA isn’t the best (3.5 UW, 3.74 W) but I’m hoping my counselor rec on my ECs and financial situation might be able to help me somewhat… fingers crossed! Lol, part of me hates getting denied from things and doesn’t what GWU to have a “negative” memory of me when my actual application goes on, but the other half hates wondering why.

Thank you @HalfwayThereUni1 and I totally understand what you’re going through! I hate rejection as well, but I also hate not knowing (“what ifs” honestly frustrate me). I hope you get good news if you choose to submit your application!

@BioRocksMySocks can i ask what that Tulane fly in is called? It is one of my top choices- I had no idea they offered one! Would be nice to see if i can still apply :slight_smile:

@divinew99 It was called PreviewTU Multicultural Fly-In. Unfortunately the application closed :frowning:

Hey, I also got accepted into Your GW! Have you heard anything about accommodation or who you will room with? I haven’t heard anything since putting in my permission slip.

@jthomp98 Congrats, can’t wait to meet you! I don’t know anything about rooming yet but I did send in my confirmation/travel plans, and they responded back with the itinerary.

Hey, it’s me again. I still haven’t heard a single thing back from them. It’s honestly kind of weird to me how they have been mute. I emailed them a few times and still haven’t got a response. Did you hear from them anymore?

@jthomp98 That is strange…I haven’t received anything else, but maybe they’ll send something by Monday/the beginning of next week.

Yea it kind of worries me a bit. I’ve already bought my train ticket and everything. It’s just kind of weird that we are still in the dark less then one week out.

@jthomp98 I actually just received an email today regarding the time to come and which building to go to, along with what we’ll be doing that day. Hope you got it!

I actually did get the email fortunately. Looks like they have some fun stuff planned!