Your GW Fly-In Program 2017

Can I get the link to apply

@abygail The application deadline for the last program was today…sorry :frowning:

@BioRocksMySocks I’m waiting to see if I got in. What were your stats for applying?

32 ACT; certainly not the highest score but I think my essay helped a lot. I have a 4.635 GPA based on a 5.33 scale, and my transcript also helped. Good luck!

Has anyone heard back for the November dates? I got an email that said my documents were recieved and I should hear back shortly, but I’m not sure since the Your GW web page says “thank you to those attending our November 9-10 session” like they’ve already been contacted?

I haven’t, I’m still waiting on an email.

Oh okay, did you apply for travel assistance?

I applied for the November fly-in but still have not received an email

Hey guys!

I applied, too! (Literally at 11 pm, lol). I applied for travel assistance as well.

Fingers crossed and hands folded for all of us!!

I called today and they said 1-2 weeks…

Oh okay! Thank for letting us know, I was a little worried. Crossing my fingers too.

I am too, I’m also trying to plan the days I miss. Did anyone else take up a kamikaze schedule this year? This and applying ED is nerve recking.

Yes! Me too, I have 5 AP’s and a job this year. Have you heard anything about ED interfering with GW financial aid?

Ahhh applying ED is nerve wracking!! I’m so scared everything won’t be finished in time…
But actually, no. My senior year is pretty light… 2 APs, 1 dual-enrollment. LOL, I’m in like every club imaginable, though, :smiley:

But no, I haven’t heard anything about ED interfering with financial aid… I do know that GW is need-aware, though, so hopefully, we don’t get the negative end of it!

LOL, anyone else with a personal statement that’s 650 words exactly?

No mines 470 ish, and my GW essay is 250. I’ve been told by alums and current students that I should get in but that still means a I have a chance of rejection

What kind of direction did you go in for your persoal statement? Also, did you guys recieve your admission decision for Your GW? I just got mine, rejected. It’s okay though I’m still happy that I applied to show interest in the school.

I used the obstacle in life prompt. I have not. I’m sorry to hear that about your application. What did your write for the Your GW program and what were your stats.

@collegehrh So I actually took each prompt, and tried to write a draft for each, and I ended up coming to two serious drafts and then decided on the 1st prompt. I felt like I could showcase many facets of myself with that prompt. (I actually started my essay for that at 2 in the morning when inspiration just came, so look out for that-- it might strike you!)

I’m sorry about your admissions decision! I had actually just read your comment when I received my email (talk about coincidences :D). I was accepted, but without travel assistance, so now I have to convince my dad…! Fingers crossed, hands folded!!

I got in! Booking my flight as we speak! I hope your dad lets you, I’m awaiting to meet some other applicants.

Thanks guys! It’s okay. My GPA is 3.86 UW and 4.16 Weighted. My letter of rec is from my French teacher (had her for 4 years) and it was amazing. I chose the diversity prompt, I talked about being an Iranian American in a caucasian majority area and said it was important because it teaches students to be more open minded, etc. My English teacher and counselor read over the essay. Good luck in the program I hope you guys have a lot of fun! Let me know how it goes!