<p>Your SATs are okay (you should have some SAT IIs in there), and your ECs seem mediocre. Obviously for anyone to gauge your chances, they'd have to know your grades.</p>
<p>KJayson: No chance, then great chance b/c he is Chinese?...nothing you say makes any sense. No wonder NYU hasn't given you an acceptance letter yet....j/k...:).</p>
<p>actually, i don't think chinese(/asian) applicants are viewed as URMs.. we're underrepresented in almost everything but the academe. don't worry, though.. i've heard nyu looks at your entire application package: essays and coursework, and all.. even without the SATiis. good luck!</p>
<p>obviously being Chinese won't help my chances. where have you been?</p>
<p>ps. what do you consider good ECs if you rate my effort as mediocre? To be "good", I guess I need to go to Africa to fight HIV or spend a ridicious amount of money, which my family don't have, in order to do somthing that would make no difference.</p>