Your opinion counts here!

<p>How much does being an African-American Male help with the admission decisions of the top national universities?</p>

<p>Well, I'm a haitian-american young women but I definetly can comment. I think it will definetly help especially since the amount of african-american males in the nation's top schools is already very low. </p>

<p>I got this quote from an article titled "Reversing the Plight of African American Male College Students"</p>

<p>"Scholars, both African American and Caucasian, have addressed the plight of the African American college student attending a predominantly White college or university. Of special concern is the African American male. Although African American men and women bear similar sociological and psychological scars of racism and bigotry, most researchers and community leaders agree that the retention of African American men is unquestionably and disproportionately beneath African American women."</p>

<p>Many top national universities are definetly aiming to recruit more african american males, but in my opinion it seems there doing so through recruiting them for athletic programs.</p>

<p>Yeah. But just being smart with good grades helps. Colleges want to be able to say that they are diverse and that means geting mor African American students.</p>

<p>I hope it helps. I really hope it helps, lol.</p>

<p>It will help a lot - - but with the exception of D1 sports recruiting and development admists, there's nothing that will make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.</p>

<p>I understand that, my statistics aren't that bad. I have a 3.732 GPA, and 1860 SAT. I hope these aren't bad anyway.</p>

<p>I don't think they're bad, but I hope it helps too, shoo, that just means I'll find some sexy, intelligent black man at one of the top schools lol. That's not all I think about it but hey, it's true :)</p>

<p>Lol. It's a back thought on my mind too. don't worry lol.</p>

<p>haha, thankss gurl! i just had to say it. lmao :)</p>


<p>Lol. What? Good guys of any race are in VERY short supply where I live. I can't wait to have a new and bigger pond to fish in. lol.</p>

<p>yea, true. im tired of seeing the same guys. EmekChris sorry we distracted your thread about our dating preferences. lmao :)</p>

<p>Ooops I guess we did kind of hijack the thread. lol. but Being African Americam does help.</p>

<p>EmekChris: Where did you apply? My child is an African American male with the same
SAT score but a lower GPA. He applied to a range of schools but has yet to hear from the most competitive. Fortunately, he is happy with the schools that accepted him and would be happy to attend. But it is hard not to be curious about the schools we have not heard from yet. I also wonder how his race and sex will affect his applications.</p>

<p>I applied to American University, Syracuse University, Dartmouth College, Princeton University, and University of Virginia.</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance at American University (know a young man who graduated from there and had an excellent experience) Syracuse University and maybe UVA.
Dartmouth and Princeton are reach schools for anyone. Your stats are solid, so stay

<p>I got into American U, Syracuse U, and UVa. What are my chances at Dartmouth and Princeton? bump...</p>

<p>Congrats, Emek! Everyone's doing so well...</p>