your opinion on this situation

<p>My brother, as some of you know, died last week. My dad is VERY upset and over the last week we have become a bit closer. I want to go to Georgetown University or George Washington University but they are 13 hours away. He disclosed to me that he doesn't want me to be that far away because he's scared of me getting sick or "something Happening". When he means "something Happening" I think he means me haveing a heart attack like my brother did. Should I go ahead and go and just explain he's got to let me go or should I stay close and make sure he's ok and just transfer later on? Also another thing is that he has to have his spleen removed and I think he wants me to be around if something goes wrong there.</p>

<p>OK everywhere I try to go either my mom’s not happy or my dad’s not happy. My dad wants me to go to SIUE (southern Illinois Edwardsville) but my mom wants me to stay in TN. I’d be happy at SIUE but I can’t find anywhere in TN. I really don’t know what to do.</p>

<p>bump bump bump</p>

<p>I think you should go to Georgetown or George Washington if those are your top choices. You can’t sacrifice your own goals to be close to your parents for your entire life. Eventually, they will get over your brother’s death and not be as dependent on you as they seem to be at the moment.</p>

<p>This is certainly a tough situation. I would possibly suggest going ahead and applying to Georgetown and GWU and wait until April to make a decision, once you find out. Perhaps (hopefully) your family will have had more time by then to cope with the situation and your parents might be more okay with it.</p>

<p>go to your dream school. we’re risking regrets in making any decision anyway. so go for the one you know you’ll regret less or more likely won’t regret.</p>

<p>Goooo. Don’t get chained down to your parents.</p>

<p>If your parents do not realize it now that it is in your best interests to go to your dream school, they will later. They also do not need the added guilt they will feel if you sacrifice your dreams to ease their understandable but passing pain.</p>

<p>could you take a gap year? I know it’s kinda late to consider this, but it might take a while for the home front to settle down. Would Georgetown or GWU let you take a gap year if you applied and were accepted? Is there anyone at those schools you could talk to about it? It seems like your parents need you now, and I can understand how they’d worry if you were to go 13 hours away. But you’re also their kid, not obligated to be their parent or shrink, so you do need to keep your own wishes in mind. Apply to some close by schools as a backup. </p>

<p>I’m really, really sorry about your brother. god bless you and your family.</p>

<p>well I’m worried if I take a gap year then i’ll get distracted or something and won’t go at all. I think I’m just gonna go and keep close contact with them. especially my dad. he wasn’t actually my brother but he was really close so half brother just seems so distant to me.</p>