Your opinions on fat/overweight people

<p>Do you view fat/overweight people equally to the rest of society? Or do they not deserve to be treated as normal human beings? Should they cut down on the Mickey D's or what? How do you feel when one of them is crowding up on you? Does the ground usually shake as they approach you? What are some opinions and experiences you would like to share regarding these paunchy people?</p>

<p>I believe it was Nietzsche who famously said “No fat chicks”</p>

<p>I don’t care if people are fat, so long as society functions well. I would like it if fewer people were fat, as I actually feel bad for fat people, but as long as I myself and my family is in good shape, I am fine. Fat people actually help society by creating jobs for doctors and keeping restaurants that serve fattening foods in business.</p>



<p>I never thought of it that way.</p>

<p>I would never want to be overweight (which is basically fat). It means I lack self control in my food choices and I do not possess the responsibility to eat or exercise appropriately. My parents would feel a bit helpless, as they would feel that they have failed in making me a person who can look after herself. I try to not discriminate a person based on their weight, but personally, this is how it would be if I were fat/overweight.</p>

<p>Fat people contribute to a lazy workforce.</p>

<p>I do not like them. They are the epitome of “stupid americans.”</p>

<p>It depends.</p>

<p>But the nice thing about fat people is that they keep McDonalds, which has some really awesome food, in business.</p>

<p>Fat people need to lose weight no matter what.</p>



<p>As do cancer patients. Crime keeps the cops busy. Sure they keep society functioning, but that is not relevant to the thread. I wouldn’t associate crime/cancer/fat with a positive factor for society.</p>



<p>No I think of them as lazy and burdens to society. Treated differently? Yes. They should pay more for health insurance and pay for two seats or an upgrade for plane tickets.</p>

<p>I usually feel sorry for overweight people. I know this is horrible, but looking at them helps motivate me to continue to eat healthy and run more.</p>

<p>Fat = fine.
Obese = not so good.
Kinda like…
Skinny = fine.
Starving/anorexic/underweight = not so good.</p>

<p>I see more of a problem with people being underweight than overweight in my day-to-day life, so even though I know obesity is a much bigger issue for America, I see anorexia/bulimia as a bigger deal</p>

<p>Idk, we can’t just judge people based on things like weight. It’s not as black and white as ‘he eats too much’/‘he doesn’t work out at all’. There are genetic factors, stress, blah blah… Every body is unique…some just have the tendency to gain weight i guess?? haha</p>

<p>I work out alot and eat pretty clean, so i guess im trying to keep my body in check personally.</p>

<p>i pretty much agree with all of the above posters</p>

<p>i generally view fat people in a more negative light</p>

<p>Honestly, I don’t like 'em. I think I have maybe one fat friend, and I can’t even remember his name at the moment.</p>

<p>Do you view fat/overweight people equally to the rest of society? Yes,call me a hippie, but unless someone commits a heinous crime, I consider them equal
Or do they not deserve to be treated as normal human beings? Again…ummm it makes me sad when people treat them like second class citizens…I know its really bad at my school. But yes everyone DESERVES to be treated like a human being</p>

<p>I do not like them. They are the epitome of “stupid americans.” <— this comment makes me said. This reminds me of the people at my school who make fun of the small group of overweight girls, even though I am not overweight I still feel bad when people just look at them and say / think things like that :[</p>

<p>I think morbidly obese people who can’t even get leave their houses or bathe themselves are really disgusting. Other than that, it’s kind of “live and let live” with me.</p>

<p>“I do not like them. They are the epitome of “stupid americans.” <— this comment makes me said. This reminds me of the people at my school who make fun of the small group of overweight girls, even though I am not overweight I still feel bad when people just look at them and say / think things like that :[”</p>

<p>Sorry :slight_smile: That’s how I feel though. I’m tired of obese people wanting extra benefits and acting like they’re so big and bad.</p>

<p>I couldn’t let myself get fat and I wouldn’t ever get with a fat guy, but it’s hard for me to say I won’t like people based solely on their physical appearance. Although I guess you could argue that a fat dude’s appearance reflects his personality, I just don’t think that’s true 100% of the time.</p>

<p>But I agree with mango. Everyone should be treated as a “normal” human being.</p>

<p>But I would never like a fat friend less than a healthy weight one, because she was fat. Friendship overlooks that IMO.</p>