Your Own Major

<p>I know you can propose and design your own major but I was searching the website and couldn't find the info. So I just wanted to ask you guys do you have any experience with this? If it is possible, I'm contemplating switching from a English major to something more creative-writing related because its more in line with what I want to pursue. I'm also tired of taking brit lit/ shakespeare type courses and would much rather take all the creative writing classes Berkeley offers as well as more modern fiction courses. Is this even possible? If so, it would be great because I walk away with a Berkeley education with a major so few schools offer (and most not known for academics like UCR)...Not to mention, my studies would be more engaging because I would love all of my courses...</p>


<p>Thanks in advance guys =)</p>

<p>bump anyone?</p>

<p>it's called interdisciplinary field studies, or something along those lines. search for it on the berkeley website. it's really quite interesting, but you have 2 really be serious about it, and come up wtih goals for the major, and what you want to do and stuff. it's something to look into.</p>

<p>"it's called interdisciplinary field studies, or something along those lines. search for it on the berkeley website. it's really quite interesting, but you have 2 really be serious about it, and come up wtih goals for the major, and what you want to do and stuff. it's something to look into."</p>

<p>thanks punkdudeus! I'm going to look into it later tonight and post the info later for anyone else who may be interested =)</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I am an intended Interdisciplinary Studies Field Major and have thoroughly researched my concentration. I am not sure how far you've progressed in your own research, or even if you've abandoned the idea in total, but it should be a most rewarding pursuit. It appears that you are a transfer student which does complicate things a tad. From the brief description you offered, it doesn't seem like that would be enough to warrant a concentration in ISF (not interdisciplinary enough?). ISF shouldn't be a means of getting out of requirements, but should represent a clear and distinguishable career pursuit only partially represented by courses offered across several disciplines. It appears that what you are trying to do is become an English Major, but you might be interested in coupling this degree with a minor in Creative Writing: <a href=""&gt;;/a> Your English degree, perhaps with a focus on modern fiction, is more than sufficient to what you are trying to achieve. This is how things work with, say, Sociology or History, where students choose a concentration upon declaring their major. Adding that Creative Writing component, however, just might be that little <em>extra</em> that you are craving.</p>

<p>Best of luck,

<p>wow thanks ttgiang15....</p>

<p>yeah, i'll probably just tough it out and stick to the English major. Though as you said, it'd probably suit me better if I did a concentration along with a minor in creative writing. Haha, yeah I'm just tired of taking literature classes I feel have little bearing in my creative writing (though I know all writers should be well versed in the classics). Thanks for taking the time to respond!</p>