<p>I noticed many majors such as anthropology, philosophy, etc. while browsing the UC transfer forum and I am curious about your future career goals and how you hope to go about them. Do you plan on going to grad school? Will you look for employment with your bachelor's degree?</p>
<p>I ask this as I am currently taking classes for a biological sciences transfer (not currently sure about a concentration) but I find philosophy to be the most interesting subject. My interest in biology is also high, but I must admit that choosing it has more to do with job prospects. While I may not enjoy being an entry level lab tech, as that's a likely first job with that sort of bachelor's degree, I find it reassuring that it has at least some vocational element (more so if I would take one or a few biotech classes to make my resume stand out, along with research once I transfer). I am under the impression that it would take connections or an outstanding resume (or both) for a philosophy major to have a comparable job outlook, and that's where an issue lies -- what's the outlook like for a mediocre philosophy major? I've seen little on these forums about the opportunities for a philosophy major who didn't go to law school and the like, or anywhere, for that matter. I'm hoping someone more knowledgeable than me can talk about this.</p>
<p>Thanks for your time.</p>
<p>I’m a philosophy major, and plan to do an urban and regional studies minor at UCLA. I’m looking to get my master’s in urban planning, and hope to get a job in environmental or transportation planning.</p>
<p>I am an Anthropology major, and plan to attend graduate school.
I am getting my B.A. with a concentration in archaeology so i can do some technician jobs with a firm or a state job to put myself through grad school.</p>
<p>My ultimate goal is to be a professor, I would love to go into academia.</p>
<p>I have two back up plans just in case things don’t pan out.</p>
<p>“I have two back up plans just in case things don’t pan out.”</p>
<p>Could you elaborate on them?</p>
<p>I’m a Philosophy major. So why pick a major with such a bleak career outlook?</p>
<li>I want to go to law school and become a Civil Rights Attorney and go into some form of politics while continuing my philanthropy </li>
<li>I’m also Captain of my Policy Debate team (was in high school and am at Pierce College)</li>
<li>Philosophy and Physics majors have for years scored the highest on GRE and LSAT exams because of the thought process those majors teach</li>
<li>Debaters repeatedly have the highest LSAT scores because it teaches argumentation, rhetoric and linguistic analysis </li>
<li>I still have 2 years to the take the LSAT and my practice scores are around 170-173 (90-95% percentile)</li>
<li>The most common career choice before politics is law</li>
<p>So that’s how it has and will continue to help me work towards my career goals. Plus, I just love Philosophy, I’ve been reading it since freshman year of high school when I picked up Twilight of the Idols by Nietzsche.</p>
<p>no, i would rather not elaborate.
<p>hey, every woman needs a little mystery ;)</p>
damn man, getting that high on LSAT already?? that’s pretty crazy</p>
<p>Heh, job prospects have plenty of mystery for me :P</p>
<p>I’m going to get either a Linguistics & Asian Cultures & Languages degree or Linguistics & Computer Science if I manage to slide over into that major at UCLA. Either way I plan to go to Law School after college, unless I get a solid job at a tech company as I will have an associates in Computer Science from my CC and probably a minor at UC.</p>
<p>Going for a PHD in humanities seems like a dicey proposition so unless I meet some professors who are doing really interesting research on linguistics and encourage me to pursue a career in academia I won’t attempt it. The only humanities majors who are in real danger are the ones who think a bachelor’s alone will get them a sweet job.</p>
<p>Required Reading: [McSweeney’s</a> Internet Tendency: The Only Thing That Can Stop This Asteroid is Your Liberal Arts Degree.](<a href=“http://www.mcsweeneys.net/2010/4/22lacher.html]McSweeney’s”>http://www.mcsweeneys.net/2010/4/22lacher.html)</p>
<p>Anthropology, checking in. I’m with the sociocultural emphasis. I have worked for AmeriCorps in the past, and fully intend to continue with them in the future. Past that I’d like to remain active in the nonprofit sector.</p>
<p>English major. I want to either go on to law or become a high school teacher.</p>
<p>wish I could say I was ambitious as everyone else here…I have two routes of action: 1)if I go to UCLA as a euro studies major, I will study abroad and eventually try to use my BA to find a decent job somewhere off the back of UCLA’s reputation. 2) UNC/UCSD as int’l studies major emphasis in econ or law, will attempt to start my own import/export company for gray-market vehicles (much like Motorex).</p>
<p>no grad school plans for me as of now…but things can change.</p>
<p>1) double B.S/B.A. Mechanical Engineering + Pure Mathematics Stanford University(although UCLA & UCB will suffice
M.A. Mathematics (Stanford hopefully)
M.B.A( Harvard)
be a financial quant in Asia. My parents have the connections, I just need the skill set.
buy an Audi R8.
Travel the world.
Houses in Europe, yacht, all that good stuff ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](https://sea2.discourse-cdn.com/collegeconfidentialstaging/images/emoji/apple/slight_smile.png?v=12)
NOT have kids.
NOT get married till late.
Buy even more cars.
Eat good food.
Travel more.
work here and there.
<p>^ I love the NOT have kids part haha^
Major: physics
My plans:
transfer to Davis or SB and kick ass
Peace corps
MD from USC
live in LA and be a kick ass Neurosurgeon</p>
<p>Lol it’s funny how none of those plans will go the way u planned.</p>
<p>Quite ambitious, SFwarrior25. I’m nothing at all like that.</p>
<p>I’m going to cure cancer and paraplegia with nanotechnology and stem cell research. </p>
<p>Those are the “goals”, but of course there are contingencies. </p>
<p>After getting my BS in Nano Engineering with BioEngineering focus, I’ll see how my graduate school offers pan out. (BioEngineering has a VERY low admittance rate for graduate school) I’ll apply for a research I position at Stanford, UCSD, Cal Tech and SLO. Aside from that, I’ll apply to Phizer and other privately owned research institutions. </p>
<p>The goal is to get a sponsor to pay for my Ph.D or MS in NanoEngineering so I can earn while I study for it. </p>
<p>With a degree in Engineering from an ABET accredited school, you’re really not limited in what kind of options you have for career prospects.</p>
<p>EDIT: Personal goals? Either marry my soul mate or live as a bachelor. I don’t believe in “compromising” on the love of your life. If she’s not out there, which I wouldn’t doubt at this point, then I won’t torture some woman by marrying her when she’s not the person I love the most. It’s really hard to adopt as a single parent, but with my income I might have some success. I want to give some unfortunate child the opportunity for a second chance that I’ve been given. Hopefully a boy, as I’d relate to him better and I’m not sure any social welfare organization would allow a single man to adopt a girl lol. </p>
<p>Own small residential property in three different countries: USA, Europe and Canada. Canada and Japan are interchangeable. </p>
<p>Every summer I want to load up on vacation time and hike through some European mountains or visit national parks and go on road bike trips.</p>
<p>R8? ***<em>'</em> weak. it’s all about the M400’s and LP-670’s. go big or go home, son.</p>
<p>Hm…I’m a political economy major. I’m planning on Overlord of the Universe but if that doesn’t work out I’m going with President of the U.S.</p>
<p>All hail me.</p>