<p>Interdisciplinary research chances.</p>
<p>What's yours?</p>
<p>Interdisciplinary research chances.</p>
<p>What's yours?</p>
<p>The campus in a city that still a) looks like a campus and b) FEELS like one (I’m looking at YOU, Columbia)</p>
<p>The city was a lure, but I came chose Penn for the interdisciplinary possibilities. It just fit in with my idea of education and general approach to learning.</p>
<p>ilovebagels, what’s with columbia?</p>
<p>Penn and Columbia are alike in very many ways, except that Penn has a campus and Columbia has a city block surrounded by walls.</p>
<p>I have nothing against Columbia. I think it’s one of the finest schools in the nation and the world. I just feel that too often it is mistaken for something it is not; and I’d like to let as many people as possible know so they don’t have to go through what slipper1234 went through…</p>