Your Space

<p>I was a little hesitant of doing anything for this. I didn't want to submit anything the admissions council would deem stupid or immature. My mom made me send in a DVD of segments I'd done for a public access TV show my friends and I do. Is that really dumb?</p>

<p>it depends on what is in those clips. what are you talking about in the segments? something academic?</p>

<p>I think that sounds like a great idea. I submitted a DVD of me teaching choreography for my senior dance project… it’s a good opportunity to show off your “other” skills. They won’t think you’re stupid or immature, and no, the segments don’t have to be academic!</p>

<p>Nothing completely academic. The show is a spin off of like the colbert report, I’m a segment reporter, I do the Random Question of the Day, basically like a roving reporter type deal.</p>

<p>Your space is about showing the admissions staff a side of yourself that can’t come through in an application. Or an even better example. (like they know you’ve done the school play every year and you send in your performance of a monologue). I think that sounds unique and funny. So you’re good! Some people send cookies to Vassar, others write poems. There is no “wrong” here. And good luck!</p>

<p>Haha, I sent in an essay that I wrote for my SUPA Biology class about the biological validity of the Star Wars universe, full marks and a cover page I made in Photoshop.</p>

<p>no i agree it doesnt have to be academic but it might be kind of weird to send in you talking about like britney spears…i think if it is something like colbert…and you do it regularly thats cool. heck, i am sending in Yule Kaga (Norwegian desert bread, which I talked about in my essay)</p>

<p>I was drum major of my school’s marching band this year, and i was considering sending in a DVD of me conducting the band at state championships (we came in second). would that be appropriate?</p>

<p>I don’t think your DVD is dumb at all! Last year I sent a copy of a DVD I composed for Latin class–it was a rendition of “Icarus and the Golden Wings,” complete with costumes/subtitles/setting at an abandoned castle at a nearby park. I though my entry was entirely bizarre, but my application was successful–so I suppose it worked! I think yourspace is meant for us to show a part of ourselves not conveyed through essays or SAT scores; revealing a bit of your character/personality through the DVD seems exactly what Vassar intended!</p>

<p>I’m sending in a video of me singing a solo with my a cappella group. Everyone says I sound good on it, and I think it’s pretty good, so I figured “why not show Vassar?”</p>

<p>I ended up sending a bucket list (list of things i wanna do before i die)
it was more humorous than a list of my actual goals - talked about jellybeans, religion, and a few other things im interested in. they will either love it or hate it, lets find out :)</p>

<p>Hah I sent a little “who is… [laughxindoors?]” book that showed off my love for artsy collaging. i put a random fact about me on each page that they’d never know from admissions. i wrote about my compulsion to write, included copies from my actual journal including one from second grade… pictures of me acting as a 5-year-old to show continuity for the passion I love… that my biggest pet peeve is the sound of people eating bananas… that i’m an addict for old (pre-1950s) magazines…</p>