Your time-table for the day

<p>Dang Psycho, you get up at 5 and prep for almost 2 hours!?!? I wish I had that drive in the morning...I would look really good for school haha. Especially if I got to sleep at 11 every night! (and got to bed at 9)</p>

<p>Yeah I'm overly self conscious so I have to look good to feel good and do well. It's a curse.
I can do it in one hour but the problem is that I wouldn't be relaxed.</p>

<p>I know it's ridiculous but I just have to meet my own standards to be somewhat satisfied.</p>

<p>Lets see...</p>

<p>6:15-6:30: Wake up!!!
7:10-7:30: Drive to School
8:15:Classes start
3:30:Shool's out
3:45-5:30 or 6: Cross Country Practice
6:00: Show/Eat dinner
6:30-10:30 or later: homework
11:00-ish: sleep.</p>

<p>This is what my schedules like..most days. The days when I don't have a meet, dance practice, skating practice, or pit band practice.</p>

<p>Oh and I'd like to add that my morning rituals aren't as shallow as they seem. There's a deep psychological thing behind the morning rituals. Something about it makes me feel secure about myself, as if I wouldn't simply fall apart into pieces.
Something about that nearly 2-hour period tranquilizes me, and that's really the only time (aside from before falling asleep) that I get to contemplate and think deeply about things.
And my mornings determine my day. So if I'm not okay with how I look, I'm not going to be outgoing. I'll be withdrawn.</p>

<p>Hey there's nothing wrong or shallow about wanting to be presentable. Anyway, wow! I wish I were a morning person like you--the only thing I have time to contemplate in the morning is how I'm going to finish that homework I didn't do last night</p>

<p>Ahhh well I get all easily irritable throughout the day if my morning routine doesn't go well... so that isn't really good. o_o
Sometimes I panic over unfinished hw too. But I usually plan beforehand how I'm going to complete it.
Another explanation for my idiosyncratic morning routine, by the way, is the fact that I believe most people are shallow, so I want to be presentable to repel their contempt. And I want them to judge me positively since I do realize that many tend to base judgments on looks.
I, myself, am not shallow, but I want to cope with people who are.</p>

<p>7:10 AM: Wake up, shower, get dressed, etc.
7:30 AM: Breakfast
7:45 AM: Leave for school
8:00 AM: School starts
2:50 PM: School ends
3:00-5:00 PM: Golf Practice
5:30-7:00 PM: Homework (get it all done; i'm not a procrastinator at all)
7:30-8:00 PM: Dinner
8:00-9:00 PM: Chill, log on to CC, study, whatever...
9:00-10:00 PM: Shower, set my clothes out for tomorrow, read
10:00 PM: Sleep
Yeah I get 9 hours of sleep a night but thats because i'm only a freshman...</p>

<p>I like the OP's schedule. I've always found that you're more productive in the morning, when ur not tired, ur sane. U spend ur productive hours on the important stuff (outside work) than u spend ur unproductive hours on the bs (time spent rotting in classroom). I'm surprised someone actually has the guts to diverge from the norm. GJ</p>

<p>BTW wat do u do on weekends ?</p>